
How difficult is it to get permission to investigate places for paranormal research?

by Guest55660  |  earlier

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i was wondering how difficult is it to get permission to investigate such places as the wincester or the old amitiyville houses and other places.getting permission for cemterys was always easier for me but i haven't did very many actual places except for like family and friends.




  1. Amityville is not haunted. That was a movie. In fact, the house they used in the movie was in. The people even admited to being a hoax. You will never get permission to go there.

    The Winchester home gives tours. Unless you have a tv crew with you, I doubt if they will let you spend the night.

    Most places is very hard to get into. Being a tv producer or part of a film crew might help.

    Private homes & some businesses is easier. It is all how you approach the owners.

  2. We deal primarily with Battlefields and structures from the 1800's, and other locations on a Case by Case basis.

    If you explain to the property Owner/Manager that you with wish to Examine  the property to Explain away as much as possible any reports of Paranormal Activity with Reasonable, Logical conclusions...then you're chances get better.

    If you present yourself as a "ghost hunter", then you may lend the impression that you wish to do it for your Own Gain...with no Benefit to the location Owner/Manager.

    Look at it from their viewpoint.....what's in it for them?

    Let us know how you do.  Good Luck!

    A Paranormal Examiner since 1980, and the Director of Southern Paranormal Examinations And Research, Inc. (S.P.E.A.R.)

  3. Some times it can be really hard to get permission from different places especially hospitals and places like that. Some places won't allow you to because they are profit based like hotels and motels and such. They do, but you usually have to rent a room or if there is a specific area, you have to rent it as well. It really depends on who your dealing with. All you can do is talk to the contact people at a location but, if they say "NO" in any event, you have to let it go at that because it will ruin your group's future.


  4. The Amityville House is private property.  The current and past owners--along with experiencing nothing paranormal or out of the ordinary--enjoy their privacy just like anyone else.  You could ask permission to investigate anyway, but do so politely and respect their answer.

    The Winchester House has been investigated by TAPS and Most Haunted, so it's possible you may get in there.

  5. I really agree with the above statement.  The Amityville house has been closed to investigation and the address and out wars appearance has changed.  The people just want to be left alone basically.

    The other big stuff that do tours probably won't let you investigate outside of a tour unless they think they'll get something out of it (via free publicity such as being on ghost hunters)

    Really, you've got to get a case manager who knows how to talk to people and convince them to let the team get what it wants.  A lot of places don't want to be known as "haunted" and a lot of places that are "haunted" aren't even remotely.  

    Just do your research, have a good people person on your team, and try not to fall for scams.  That's the hard part.  My team has been at it for a while, and still get pulled into stuff that's just here say.

  6. I say as long as the property is abandoned , sneak in

  7. This greatly depends on the property and the owners attitude. For example I have had great luck with reportedly haunted smaller hotels in smaller cities giving me access to empty (unrented) rooms where activity was reported so my group could investigate.

    Then again because of the interim director I was also able to investigate a natural science museum in San Antonio and even gave some lectures on investigations to school age children as part of the museums Halloween activities. The new director is not open to such activity.

    Then there is the Alamo ran by the "Daughters of the Republic of Texas" that even pulled a book about the history of the Alamo out of the gift shop because it had a ghost story in it and wasn't "the kind of image we wish to project for the Alamo"

    Approach people with kindness and professionalism and respect their choices and your reputation will grow in the community creating more (even if different) opportunities for investigations.


  8. It depends a lot on the area that you live in and the spiritual climate that is there.  Where I live, most people make no bones about the fact that paranormal=evil.  So it makes it hard at times.  By the time private owners get in touch with you, they are scared of the living finding out more so than anything that might go on in their property.

    Cemeteries are off limits at night in most many have vandalized the property and held their own investigations(how much alcohol can I consume before I pass out on this little old ladys grave and worse)that you will be arrested if you are in a cemetery after dark.

    The Amityville house is a private property that does not welcome anything like an investigation around it.  

    The more famous places usually allow for tours but no private investigations.  

    Just keep digging around.  If you have a location in your town and you know someone who knows someone, maybe they could assist you.  That is how I have gotten into some places.  The police can tell you stories also.  I know that sounds strange, but look at it this way.  If you were to go into a building without proper permission, you are likely to have to deal with the police anyhow.  Why not be on the right side to begin with?

    If you know of a location in your area that is supposed to be haunted, just go to the owner and tell them what you do and what you would like to do.  A lot of times they will let you as long as you are honest and up front.

    My motto is, we bring only a few people, good will and a lot of equipment.  The only thing we will leave is our footprints.  It works for some people who have concerns.

  9. You could write a letter asking for permission .

    here is a website that has a sample letter and some info on it (scroll twoards the bottom)

    The Amitiyville house..I doubt you would be able to investigate,  there have only been few people aloud in...Loarraine Warren was one of the only ones and she said she would never go back...Sounds like there are demons in the house that people should not get involved with...

    but if your is a pic of the house the day after the murders..they say everyone see's something different and it changes from day to day

    (can you see the ghost in the window?)

    be careful on your investigations and good luck!!

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