
How difficult is it to put back together a 1981 Honda 250r atc engine?

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How difficult is it to put back together a 1981 Honda 250r atc engine?




  1. Service mauals make every job easier.

  2. what a legendary bike. to answer the question. it is the same as any other 2 stroke ATV engine on difficulty. just that a few things will be reversed in application because the sprocket comes out the other side of the engine.

  3. With the manual, about a 5.

    Once you start buying new parts and gaskets, you will ash yourself "why did I start this in the first place"

    The motor will make a nice boat anchor.

  4. On a scale of one to ten, a single cylinder utility engine being a 1 and a gold wing being a 7 this would rate about 3.

  5. It is real easy when you remember where the parts go.Just lay them out in groups and the pieces can only fit where they go.

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