
How difficult is the Marines boot camp and what is the big change in a person everyone talks about?

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I would really like to know and would appreciate anyones advice who has personally been there.




  1. That change is discipline, something which most people utterly lack in both their actions and understanding. Also, respect for self and others. ...and maybe a little pride, or maybe a whole helluva lot of it!

  2. It is about the hardest thing possible for a person to do and still be able to pull it off. But it takes things in you that you had no idea you had. It tears you down as a lump of Jello civilian and it makes you into a totally fit fighting machine. You will feel like death a lot of the time in boot camp but if you can get through the US Marine boot camp, you have really accomplished something few people can do.

  3. they will find a way to break you down and see if you will break in a bad way

    if you snap

    everyone crys least once then you shake it off and move on

    go to church on sunday or you will be cleaning the barracks and you need God there!

    the change is learning to work as a unit

    never leave a man,woman behind

    and pride in finishing one of the toughest trainings around

    thank you for stepping up when your country needs you

  4. I went through Boot camp in 1981. It was 3 months of torture in one since of the word, but educational in others... I never really noticed "the change"  in myself until I was in a grocery store in civilian cloths a couple of years later. A gentleman I had never met before asked if I was a Marine... I said yes and asked how he knew, besides my hair cut. he replied. You have the walk, and the bearing. I looked at him questioningly and he smiled and said. You walk always with your head up and you move with a purpose even when you think you are strolling. You answer question in a certain way that shows some form of respect for the person who asks, and you seem to always be mentaly on alert.

    I went home and though about it and he was right. All my Marine friends walked like that, all my civilian friends didn't.

    Its a change your parents and friends and even your spouse or girlfriend will notice... But you may not at first, because you have become a Marine.

    Good Luck

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