
How difficult is the air force.?

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I have been considering going to the air force for awhile, i think it i can handle it farely well, but my moms friends are convinced that i wont survive through boot camp...which is making me wanna join more. What do they do that is so difficult?




  1. As an Army airborne vet who has been around alot of Airmen especially C-130s,AC-130s, C-141s, C-5s, C-17s,TACPs, CCTs and PJs I respect the AF for what they do and provide. I am not going to compare basic training. I instructed at FT. Sill, but went through at FT. Benning for infantry 20 years so everything is different even for my branch.

    Just know this, I train hundreds of Airmen a month for pre-deployment training before they go to Afghanistan or iraq on FT. Riley. They listen better and are sharp. They do have alot of complaints about our living conditions, but they adjust. Same with in Iraq and Afghanistan when I served with ones who weren't embedded in my Army units already.

    So join, don't listen civilians who don't know what they are talking about and be 'Above All' as the say bro. you know what civvie life is like. Regrets are worse than death.

  2. Air force basic training is, hard as trying to chew gum...... easy in other words. Your T.I will intimidate you, waiting for you to crack. The objective is for you NOT to crack, remain still, and follow his directions to a T. You, and the others will not be viewed as perfect - until you graduate.

    Now, if you asked this question pertaining to Marine bootcamp... I would've handed you a tissue, and shed a little symphathy. However, you have nothing to worry about... you'll find out when you get there. AF is a fine branch, and you can get no better than that. Sometimes negativity is the best motivation.

  3. So your moms friends are calling you a loser??    I made it, it's not that big a deal.  Talk to a recruiter and see if you qualify.  

  4. First off I love the other services ripping the Air Force by saying it's easy when they have NO idea what they are talking about. The Air Force is the smallest branch of the military (The Marine Corps isn't a branch, they belong to the Navy) yet we cover the globe with dominance. We are the world's ONLY undefeated Air Power. We have NEVER lost an airbase, NEVER lost a dog fight. Since September 17-18th, 1947 no Solider, Sailor or Marine has had to worry about the enemy having air superiority.

    Now, on to your question. The Air Force has the shortest basic training because it doesn't take 3 months to teach an Airman how to tie his shoes or how to load and fire a weapon. "Boot Camp" can be easy if you keep quiet and do what you are told the first time. It can be hard if you don't. After basic you'll go to Technical School, also called Tech School. It is there you will learn your job, what ever you came in to do. Air Force Tech Schools are all a part of the Community College of the Air Force. When you graduate from Tech School you will have earned college credits towards an associates degree. Yes, a real associates degree. Many Air Force members leave the service with this degree and get well paying jobs in the civilian market. With the new GI bill, they can now transfer the GI bill to thier spouse or children so you can get a degree for free and pay for your kids college!

    Each branch of the military, each pay grade gets paid the same (save for special duty qualifiers). In the Air Force, we take care of our own. That is why the other branches hate on us.  

  5. can you watch TV in an air conditioned room?

  6. You will make it through, it is hard the first couple of weeks and you might wish they would send you home, but you will survive. It is more the mental games they play with you that will stress you out and make you want to go home. You will be up everyday before the sun, so you will be tired and hungry and you will still have to keep going everyday... all day. That is what is so hard, the rest is fun, you get in shape, you learn new things, you accomplish things you never thought you could.  My parents tried to deter me by telling me I wouldn't make it, but I made it through... It wasn't too bad. It was only 6.5 weeks then though, it will be 8.5 when you go through.

  7. I was in the Air Force and I can tell you that a lot depends on your TI. If he gung-ho on phys. Ed. He'll have you doing exercise every time you turn around. Mine wasn't that way thank God! If you graduated from high school, you won't have a problem on the technical side. There is a lot of BS in the Air Force. If you can handle that, you'll be alright. Don't let anybody get to you. Hazing at anytime or any place is illegal.

  8. Airforce= Basic

    But Basic will probably be the hardest (because u will be away for a while) After that, things will usually get better. You should go for it.

  9. Its not difficult at all. The most difficult part would be not be able to talk to your loved ones and being away from home. The physical part will be the easiest. My cousin said it was easy and she is a female. I think you'll be just fine. Good luck.

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