
How difficult is to adopt child?do i have to be married or can i stay single?anyone here who adopted child?

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How difficult is to adopt child?do i have to be married or can i stay single?anyone here who adopted child?




  1. It depends on the agency you go with on your single or married status. But if you are single and they allow it, you have to wait until the adoption is final before becoming married and if you are married I think they like it to be 3 years or more before adopting.  Adoption can be a roller coaster ride like getting pregnant. While it may be long or drawn out, it is worth it in the end

  2. There are alot of adoption agencies that won't touch you if your not married that is why single birth father's are having a hard time getting their own children.

       It would be easier to be a foster mom. By the time the children have been in the system for awhile they don't really care who takes care of them. There are a lot of great foster care parents and then there are some there for the money.

  3. I'm not sure if you have to be married,but I know they at least have a better chance of adopting a child.If you adopt a kid from China you have to be married

  4. Here's the thing with adopting a child in our country. The foster care system is so packed with children that's parents have permanatly lost thier rights to and they're just waiting to be adopted. Check with your local DHS and talk to them about fostering. In many cases you can explain that you would like to adopt a child from the foster care system and they can get you started. I respect adopting children from china and other foriegn countries but there are so many kids right here in the united states that need loving homes. Good Luck to you. Oh and to answer your question, if you adopt from the foster care system I don't thin the fact that your single will affect to much as long as you can provide a loving enviornment. God Bless.

  5. In general, you have to get government permission to adopt. It depends on the laws of your country. In the USA, adoptions are mostly a matter of state law, unless you are adopting from another country and want to bring your new child into the USA as a citizen.

    Many places allow single people to adopt, with restrictions.

    I can give you more accurate information if you will explain where you are writing from [country] and where you want to adopt from.

  6. You don't have to be married.

    My aunt has never been married, and she's got two adopted daughters. She adopted her second one last year, and from what I heard it was a very frustrating process. She's a teacher so she's not all that wealthy, and she's permanently in a wheelchair. Sadly, this did make it a little more difficult for her to adopt.

  7. You don't have to be married, if you can show the adoption comity that you can raise the child in a stable environment and you have the income to afford it. It would be better if you were married, but in the US I don't think you have to be.

  8. We adopted two children through the fostercare system.  They were removed from their family for abuse/neglect reasons.  They are great kids and we love them very much.

    It is 'work' to adopt a child, but not difficult.  If you are a stable person, financially and emotionally, then you shouldn't have a problem.  You don't have to married, rich, etc, although some adoption agencies and programs have specific requirements (married, certain religion, etc) but there are many to choose from and I am sure you can find one to work with.  As I said, we adopted through fostercare, and in the classes we saw several different 'types' of people, including single people, unmarried couples, g*y couples, etc.  None of them were being told they could not adopt.

    Once you adopt, the child is considered your child under the law, just as if you had given birth to the child.  So, the laws, requirements, and expectations for an adopted child are the same as for a biological child.  So, if you are married and get a divorce, you would have to go through the same custody issues.

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