
How difficult would it be to fix up your own house and repair it in spain?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking of purchasing a fixer upper but would like to know where you would be able to get paint, plaster, concrete, things of this sort in spain. Do they have stores like the states for this?




  1. Lots of folks are moving to places and finding problems with weather and other factors.  It has been said "one should live in a new place for 6 months before buying."  I and others think this is good advice.  You will be able to answer your own question in 6 months or less.  You may find that renting is cheaper than buying, but that is another answer.

  2. my nan did this she sold her house in formby for 1.3 million moved to spain made her own house didint like it got in noked down and built another one crazy biiitch but id say about the same as what youd pay for a decent house 200k  

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