
How disappointed is the left that Gustav is now only a Category 2?

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Probably end up with some flooding and mild property damage, and not the billions and billions of damage and massive human suffering than the left was hoping for. Will the Gulf Coast's gain be Sarah Palin's loss? More ugly, vicious rumors about her pregnancy to take the place of cheering over Gustav?




  1. No, but the Republicans were counting on a really big disaster to shore up their credentials as competent leaders.  They are getting far more mileage out of Gustav then the Democrats.

  2. me

  3. you are nuts. The left was trying to deliver life saving supplies while the right turned them away. The left is cheering that the right didn't get the chance to kill off more honest poor people, and the news is still on the fraud of the liars, cheats, and murderers who allowed New Orleans to be destroyed in the first place. Hmm, what did Katrina take the place of in the media...Bushes horrible ineptness in a dishonest war in the middle east? Or were illegal immigrants supposed to take our minds off of that?

    I have some little friends there who happen to be children, and I've been having nightmares...I don't give a flying * about some teenage pregnancy drama until I know they live through this...not like if Bush had a well he would give the dying a glass of water. He is most likely watching Zoe 101 reruns over some prawns.

  4. You have no faith in people.  How do you feel about it?   I mean, if that storm hit at level 4, a great World City would have died, for good.            

  5. The left is probably crushed this morning. Just more Democrat desperation. They are going to get skunked again! McCain-Palin will win in a landslide.

  6. They aren't half as relieved as the Republicans that they don't have to have the two most distrusted men in the country up on the podium while the loyalists cheer loyally.

    They have the lovely Laura instead of the scary Cheney.

    We can all cheer Lauras efforts at ending gang warfare, as she promised during the last campaign, in one of the odder pairings ever mentioned by the White House.

    What was she going to do, give the Crips and Bloods and Latin Kings a library card?

    But I digress, the left isn't disappointed, they were looking forward to seeing Bush and Cheney telling us all how wonderful life is now, and why we should vote their party so it can continue.  

    Why lie small, when you can lie big?

  7. Fowler Fouls: Hurricane is God's Favor to Democrats

    Plus, it's totally funny!

    Posted by: absentee

    Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 01:17PM


    UPDATE (see below for SC GOP Statement)

    On a plane from Denver to Charlotte following the Democrats' convention, I found myself seated behind former National Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Don Fowler and Congressman John Spratt of South Carolina. Their conversation was interesting to say the least.

    For example, they made fun of Sarah Palin for several minutes, Fowler calling her "Dan Quayle" on steroids and Spratt creatively describing her as "just terrible." They both agreed that, "Other than the simple fact that she's a female," she has nothing to offer.

    Then there was this gem of a moment from Fowler:

    So you see, it's funny. That New Orleans will get a hurricane. That's funny because it is due to hit when President Bush is scheduled to speak. Isn't that cool? Fowler isn't the only one who thinks so, just ask Michael Moore.

    We all know Democrats used and use Katrina as a political football as callously as possible. Here's a candid moment showing some can hardly wait for another one.

    All Class.

    BREAKING: Statement from SCGOP Chairman Katon Dawson

    "The outrageous behavior of two of the Obama campaign's highest profile supporters in the south is despicable, a cynical politization of life and death. I call on Barack Obama to immediately denounce Fowler and Spratt and demand sincere apologies from these members of the Democratic leadership."

  8. your saying that liberals like natural disasters,when the republicans dropped the ball after Katrina.I'm a conservative,and Id appreciate you not making all conservatives look like morons.

  9. Get over yourself.

  10. their snowman has melted.  

  11. Perspective doesn't appear to be your strong point! If anyone will be upset by Gustav abating it will surely be Bush, in his ivory tower at Crawford, wanting to appear as though he is controlling operations.

  12. Surely you jest.

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