
How disappointed will the left be if Gustav peters out and doesn't do much damage?

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It's obvious they are rooting for a direct, Category 5 type hit with billions in damage. How can we cheer them up if it doesn't turn out that way?

I guess in a backhanded sort of way, I'll compliment them for rooting only for a lot of rain and property damage instead of massive troop deaths in Iraq. I'm optimistic, always trying to find that silver lining in the dark cloud.




  1. Not as disappointed as the "right" after Obama wins by a landslide and the whole neocon thing just peters out.  Game Over.  You had the most stupid president in history for 8 years.  It will be back to relative normality.  Waa waa.  boo hoo.

  2. It's horrible to even suggest that.

  3. The wacky left will claim Gustav is a white guy that is racist against, Obama and his cult of followers. To make the left comfortable, I suggest we give them exactly what they want, but not in New Orleans, but in the sanctuary City by the Bay

  4. They can't help the way they think.  If there isn't a lot of damage, the Federal assistance won't be required and they want the government into every little thing.

    It would also deprive them of a chance to tell us about Bush' latest "mistakes".  If you believe what the libs all say, you would have to believe George is God incarnate.

    When Obama was in Landstuhl, he showed us how much the dems really care about the troops.

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