
How disappointed will you be in your fellow countrymen if McCain wins?

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Considering the downward spiral our nation has been in over the last 8 years, to even think that a republican candidate could win the presidency is disheartening.

Would a McCain victory continue the downward spiral of our great nation?

Isn't there much more upside with Obama/Biden? Isn't the global perspective more important than righty hot button issues?




  1. Not at all.

  2. If McCain gets elected, more war, thats a certainty.

    If McCain gets elected, more damage to our environment and our ecosystem.

    If McCain gets elected , more tax breaks for the wealthy, while middle and lower income families continue to struggle with high unemployment, and lower wages.

    It is very disheartening that the sheep in this country continue to fall for the FOX news talking points, and Republican rhetoric. They are being indoctrined again by the right wing, and sadly they are falling for it, AGAIN.

  3. What downward spiral???   Did CNN tell you that?  For the first time in my adult life I would be really proud if McCain won.

  4. id be more disappointed if Obama won personally.  

  5. Why would we vote for communists like Obiden? Americans have more sense than to vote for Gorbachev's 2nd term.

  6. Almost as disgusted as I was when traitor chickenhawk george w bush got into The White House.

  7. an obama victory would blow up our country

  8. An unending war that costs six trillion dollars, failing economy that McCain thinks is in a recession but admits that he doesn't "know much about", the first generation of Americans in more than eighty years to experience lower standards of living than the previous generation, incomes that are falling while the number of people with a net worth of twenty million dollars or more has increased by 62% under Bush, lack of heath care and people dieing in Los Angeles and New York City hospitals because of a lack of insurance, diminshed international legitimacy and credibility etc.

    I'll be very ashamed if McCain wins.  A patriot holds a party accountable when they s***w up so much, not fall into the talk radio scam and believe all this c**p about an opponent of the right.

  9. Not too disappointed. SInce both main candidates absolutely suck there is no way to go but down.  

  10. too bad you are preparing fo defeat already.

    guesss you have to so you can continue your idiotic tirades.

  11. Well for one thing, the right nation has never been particularly liked. As the old adage goes, 'if everyone loves you, you're doing something wrong.' Secondly, what American citizens think is far more important than what Europeans, or Asians or Africans think of us. America is a sovereign nation and has the right to do what is in it's best interest. And lastly, I would frankly be disappointed if Obama got in. I thought we saw enough socialism in the USSR than to want to elect one here.

    McCain\Palin 08!

  12. I will be so proud if he wins. Obama can just go move to Germany as far as I'm concerned.

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