
How do 13 year olds make quick and easy money???

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I have nothing to do over this summer,and i think i have grown out of selling lemonade,lol.I have put babysitting flyers up and stuff,and i just have gotten nothing really.I'm saving for a verizon glyde before school starts(Augest 27th)A glyde is $200-250.I have a little more then a month to earn that.Please give me ideas!!:]]].




  1. Well you probably have alot of junk around your house that nobody uses.Put up a garage sale and trust me people will come and its a really easy way to get money.Also if your a good convincer then you could sell something that was about 2 dollars and make a profit of atleast 5. So either that or mowing lawns.

  2. the most effective way ive found is petsitting and saving from holidays.

  3. Mow lawns...quick cash...good exercise

  4. Babysitting is the only way i have found so far. You could also pet sit or walk dogs, and some websites will pay you to take a survey too.


    click on this link and sign up. u do offers like sign up for other sites and u get points. 1 point=1 dollars. u can't redeem in cash but u can redeem in prizes such as video games and consoles, game cards for club penguin, ijji, ect., ect. u can even get giftcards to ebay, target, and bestbuy. if they dont have anything that u like u can also custom order anything on the web.

  6. hey. i have the same problem. well kinda. im the same age. lol. im savin 2 get xtentions in my hair b4 school starts (sept 3rd). i babysit my cousins 1x a week for 7dollars an hr. and i make about $30 a week. im havin no prob with only limitin myself 2 important stuff. instead of buyin candy i buy water. and dont loan $ either. nether a borrower or spender be. ummm u can have like a yard sale kinda thing wit old stuff u dont want anymore.

  7. First of all, think again and again if you , a 13 year-old , really need a glyde which costs $200-$250.  Please make sure you understand that a NEED and a WANT  is different.  And final thought, have you ever talk to your parent or guardian about this ? Have a blessed year ahead.

  8. your 13, put the effort your putting into finding money and put it towards your schooling and you wont have to wory about money when it TRULY maters (like when you have to pay for rent and food!)

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