
How do 'debunkers' feel about the PATRIOT Act?

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By debunkers I mean those who believe the govt explanation of 9/11.

Do they even know what it is?

It's an acronym having nothing to do with patriotism.

According to the Patriot Act, the government can basically make ANYONE disappear off the face of the earth without telling a soul about it.

The Patriot Act allows the government to take "terrorists" to undisclosed locations for indefinite lengths of time. The government's definition of a "terrorist" is something you should be very concerned about. It is so broad a definition that it can fit many people who are no terrorists at all.


Truthers, you may comment on the debunkers' answers.

Thanks everyone.




  1. How many VOTERS

    in this land, if they do have an objection to the

    PATRIOT (un-natural) ACT

    have contacted their Congresspeople about it?

    Governments govern by  the CONSENT of those governed

    Silence = Consent

    Can U dig it?

  2. They love it. They WANT IT. It makes them horny.

    "Ooooh, yeah... mmmm... tyranny... give me more!"

    "Yes, loving government, violate me... I can't get enough of your lies... I'm so happy my big strong criminal government is here to protect me while I jerk off reading Popular Mechanics..."

  3. The Patriot Act also scrapped the Bill of Rights, turning this country into sort of a benign dictatorship.  Scary, huh?

  4. Link and or cut-n-paste .gov websites with the actual law and the specific sections you worry about.

    edit: I get thumbs down asking for the specific things the questioner is worried about so I could better answer the question?

    edit:The patriot act has a huge amount of stuff in it some of it is common sense other things may not be.

  5. well the terrorists are not here any more blowing up buildings right... its not effected me in any way so I am cool with it.

  6. Since the JFK assassination, it is hard to believe anymore the government's official explanation for anything... That was two generations ago, and since then a lot of weird things have happened.

  7. Those who suffer from the delusion that the Patriot Act was designed to protect them also believe that giving up essential freedoms for a small measure of security is not a blatant form of pure fear that is ultimately ineffective and actually quite counterproductive.

    edit: Yes, john j, you do get thumbs down asking for the specific things the questioner is worried about so you could better answer the question because you're supposed to answer questions in this area.  If you have a question, ask it.

  8. As I've said before, what happened on 11 September, was the result of our foreign entanglements.  We can thank our politicians for it.

    That said, the Patriot Act, and all the rest of the totalitarian, "anti-terrorism" actions of our politicians, demonstrate that they are really not interested in stopping terrorism, they would rather use it, to gain control over us.

    Any rational person would realize that you can't stop crazy people, individuals who are willing to sacrifice their own lives to kill and destroy.  We can't live with the bunker mentality.  I am not willing to live behind bars.  Our politicians are making this nation a giant prison, with them in charge.

    Imagine, a gigantic prison, with the worse criminals running it!  No, I am willing to take my chances.  I value my freedom, not their phony promise of "security".

  9. They have no Idea it declares "any person who violates any state or federal law which endangers human life" a terrorist.  (that means speeding, drunk driving, j-walking, what ever the President deems a terrorist act.

    Court cases since 9-11.

    A terroristic threat with a shovel.

    Attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction (for regular explosives, less than what was used in Oklahoma City which the charge was illegal use/possession of explosives.

    Only a matter of time until other crimes become 'terrorism"

  10. I'm a debunker.  I spend spare time debunking the outrageous conspiracy theory documented in the 9/11 Commission Report.

    I am completely opposed to the Patriot Act.  It was unnecessary.  The evidence for complicity in 9/11 is compelling.  There are criminal elements inside the government who either looked the other way or were involved in the attacks.

    IF, as the government claims, the failure to stop the attacks resulted from intelligence failure, mistake, incompetence, etc., why did we not see a whole lot of people held accountable for the mistakes?  We didn't, and that should tell you why the Patriot Act was unnecessary.  

    It should have sufficed to address the incompetence.  Instead, the criminal elements inside the government exploited the opportunity to begin the gradual dismantling of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which continues to this day.

    Either way you see 9/11, the Patriot Act should not have been a first line of defense.  The first line should have been addressing the incompetence and/or criminality.

    I'm not sure "debunkers" is the best way to describe those who continue to believe the government's official lies.  "9/11 Deniers" might be a better term because a great many of them are in denial, either of the complicity of 9/11 and/or of the exploitation of 9/11.

    The war on terror is grossly overblown, possibly to the point where one might call it a "fraud"

  11. I'm glad you asked that question... I've been wondering that myself!

    They probably choose to remain in the dark about that too... maybe in their world the Patriot Act doesn't exist.  The government is nice and would never hurt us.  And sometimes pigs fly!  Who knows.

    I've not read your answers yet.. I'm assuming you're going to be called lovely names such as "tin-foil hat wearer, nut, whacko".    That's what people do when they have nothing intelligent to debate.

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