
How do 99p shops make a profit???

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I was wondering how 99p shops manage to make a profit when selling the same goods as a considerably discounted price.

Also, where do they find their suppliers from?

Is it true most of their goods are imported??




  1. they get their supplies from other countries such as china. These stuff are vey cheap and cost less than a dollar. So that means that if you sellf it to a 99 pesos, then you gain 0.50 profit.  

  2. usually end of line or bankrupt stock, lots of trraders buy publication from whsmiths called  "the trader" its about 3 quid comes out weekly.

  3. Firstly nearly everything you buy in the UK is imported!  As they sell brand names their suppliers are probably the same as your local Supermarkets!  You will probably find though that they sell lots of end of range items, deleted from range items, short dated items and packaging seconds items. Some items can be surplus items originally packaged for another country and the packaging can be slightly different to standard.

  4. I know what you mean, we went to a pound shop today to buy a calculator for my daughters school and when paying they said school items were 3 for a pound, we got rulers etc... extra but could of got 3 calculators if we wanted.

    That means only 33p a calculator. And before anyone says anything, it works fine thanks.

  5. They buy huge amounts and distribute it to other 99p shops

  6. by selling c**p and tact.

  7. Most of their stuff is imported. But they buy in bulk - the more they buy the cheaper it is per item. And most of their stuff retails for a £1 anyway, that is how they make profit!

  8. A guy that lives near me in a £2million pound house I may add, owners a chain of these shops.

    They buy container loads of stock from China so they buy in bulk big time.They make profit due to their huge turn over of stock.  

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