
How do Africans adapt to their environment today?

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How do Africans adapt to their environment today?




  1. There's nothing to adapt to. That's like asking a westerner how do they adapt to their environment today? They don't need too their born in it.

  2. If they are living in Europe, gloves and extra vitamin D. A US army study once showed black soldiers were way more likely to get frostbite.

  3. Same way they did zillions of years ago.

  4. What are you asking? They are born there and therefore don't have to adapt. To survive,from what I see on the news, they do a lot of running, hiding,ducking and crawling if they don't want to die.

  5. You don't really adapt to a culture that you are born into.  You adapt because of change.

  6. im african... theres nothing to adapt to?

    im wondering how the people in uk adapt to the COLD!!

  7. I dont know what you mean. If its the environment theyre born into surely they wont need to adapt.

  8. Doesn't sickle cell disease provide immunity to types of malaria, a sub-Saharan genetic adaptation? I guess the question is are you talking about cultural adaptation or genetic adaptation.

  9. they don't

    its survival of the fittest..

  10. By keeping their mouths shut and not upsetting the leaders or police.  (e.g. Kenya, Nigeria or Zimbabwe).

  11. Most Africans today don't live like the way they're always portrayed on t.v. (in straw huts, mud houses, etc).

    They have cities too.

    Right now, I wouldn't know. But many Africans are in a riot because of their presidental elections and many are left homeless.

  12. That will depend on where they have fled to. It's so sad.

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