
How do Anti-Feminist men justify their apparent sense of entitlement?

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Anti-feminist men have this sense of entitlement. According to them they are perfectly entitled to tell women how they should live their lives, what they should do, and how they should act!

Guys, what makes you think you have the right to tell women what their 'role' in society should be?

I mean, don't you think that every human being on this earth deserves the freedom to chose their own destiny and 'role' in society?

If you want a submissive wife, there are plenty out there! So go get one... Why do you have to pick on the rest of us who don't want that role? What's it to you?

I find anti-fem attitude completely arrogant. I mean, this sense of entitlement that you exercise.... I wonder, how have you earned this?

What makes you think you have the right to call all the shots (that conveniently favour men and restrict women)?




  1. I know, I can't believe how anti-feminist men can be, they are men so that's why we need all stick together and keep our brilliant movement going, it's awful how these men behave and constantly oppress us, it's difficult to even talk about what we have to endure in 2008 AD in the west; it's such a tough life for us Western women as compared to the quality of life women have in the mid-East and in third world countries where women and children routinely die from diseases that we haven't seen in the West in about 5 decades.  Yes, men anti-feminists are such meanies.

    We need to really support each other in our struggle to protect ourselves from all those mean men.  Shameful anti-feminists have the nerve to expect to be treatted like human beings when we're modern Feminists and we're so much smarter than the mean men with all that testosterone business making them so mean all the time and oppressing us so horribly... I need a moment to gather my thoughts from all the oppression we face... I'm in tears now.

  2. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

    This is just a ridiculous question in my opinion.

    Anti feminists do not in fact tell women how to live their lives.

    I see the tactic you are trying to use. You are trying to switch around to antifeminists what feminists are actually guilty of. Nice try but no cigar.

    It is common knowledge that antifeminists want equality between the genders just not the feminists version of it.

    It is also common knowledge tha feminists are the ones who have been seeking and recieving entitlement not anti's.

    It is sad the level of propaganda that feminists will resort to.


  3. Funny you should talk, because it just so happens that one of your top contributors is a submissive wife.;...  oops there it is.

    Oh yeah,;...  I believe you do have some explaining to do.  Feminists want nothing to do with being submissive - yeah -right.

    Now if you don't want a man to call the shots don't let him, and leave it at that.

  4. Think about it in a different context.

    Over the last few decades, the US and many states have adopted measures designed to rectify centuries of oppression of blacks, latinos and other minorities.  But white people didn't say "Oh, good, we're finally doing something about racism."  They said "Why are these people getting breaks I don't get?"  

    Very few people would admit to a sense of entitlement.  Very few acknowledge the advantages of being white or being male.  Most people struggle.  And when they see special efforts being made to help the oppressed, they feel resentful. Most of us could use some help.

    If you want to take a historical view, every social movement has its backlash.  Christians were burned and fed to the lions when they first arose.  Later, Catholics treated Protestants the same way.  Now, both are considered mainstream.  

    Change takes time, especially changing people's hearts.  But the US may be about to elect an African American as president.  

    Kind of gives you hope, doesn't it?


    First off, this is America. Women can be whatever they want to be. Women make the assumption that they are being biased upon when they apply for a job. Truth is, if you are woman looking to mine some coal you need to be physically fit. If you are under heavy emotions and have an emotionally draining job you will need to have the willpower as a requirement (women are proven to not be as emotionally sturdy as men)

    It is the nature for men to be this way, if you do not like our unperfect world then I am sorry to break you the bad news - you can't change it. Being a woman and a man has there benefits. Women are treated better in society (yes they are, it is proven that womens appearances prove unthreatening)

  6. Men are like children. You can manipulate a man to do anything you want. The most precious thing to a man is his ego. The more you scream at a man, "I'm a big girl! I am independent, I can live my life the way I want!" does nothing for you. It is not about submission. The most submissive people are the ones who look the most dominant on the outside.

    The problem is anti-female feminist women, who have turned a once noble movement dedicated to equality, into a reverse discrimination movement. I see modern feminism as a disgrace, for the most part. It is in line with the rest of the Leftist's ideologies... hypocritical, lacking in common sense, lacking in integrity.

  7. often with abuse as you will see in the answers you get, rarely with a good argument.

  8. ok... Wanting an end to the discriminatory anti male policy's in educations, Wanting justice for paternity fraud victims, wanting justice for victims of parental alienation, Wanting fairness in the courts, Wanting comparable reproductive rights(the right to decide to be a father or not).

         Wanting similar attention and government money spent on our health needs as the government spends on women's health needs.

    Wanting an end to a blatantly discriminatory media.

    But above all to be treated like human beings by society.

         I guess that is too much to ask for.


    When has any anti said women shouldn't have rights or that they belong in the kitchen? That is sexist trash usually spouted by trolls and other people trying to cause trouble.

          Just because of the past you can justify demonizing and discrimination of males?

        It isn't feminist's being fed to the loin's but your father, your brothers,your husband and your son's.

    To justify "positive discrimination" is to support the very evil that caused the problem in the first place.

    No matter how you chalk it hate is hate.

  9. For the most part, anti-feminist men don't care how women live their lives. But for a few, that changes if and when those women become mothers.

  10. Some of the most vocal critics of feminism are women. Many of them are feminist women. For you to suggest that critics of feminism want to control women or tell women what to do is dishonest to say the least.

    Most critics of feminism want equality, others believe women are already AT LEAST equal. "Anti-feminists" simply believe that feminism is over-reaching and going beyond just equality and causing men to be treated unfairly.

    At best feminism is, as described by a feminist, "a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters share their moldy neurosis." At worst, it has turned women into a privileged class to the detriment of boys and men.

  11. I don't think they want to tell women how they should live their lives, but being able to disagree with people's opinions is what democracy is built on isn't it?

  12. You know, that's what I don't understand either.

    Fine...their argument is women get "special treatment" because we're women and that we're suddenly flipping the script on them as far as THEM being the so-called "oppressed" group.

    Well, if that's true, do you explain when men had all these special priviledges mainly for the fact that as MEN...they work to bring home the pay checks and as men, they were entitled to live their lives without being dependant on another for financial support? They were given supreme control over everything.

    They had the right to own property and those properties were passed on through male lines, especially when sons were VALUED over daughters. When they married their wives, the women were supposed to support them in all things and literally be the "servant" of the house, where they tended to all things domestic.

    Well...yeah, there was nothing wrong with being housewives, but it was the very fact that women were put in these subservient, lesser roles where expectations for females in general, besides popping out babies and supporting ones husband, was very LOW.

    We weren't expected to be any thing else. We had very little rights and VERY little say in our own lives. How could we when we weren't out "earning" our paychecks instead of getting a "handout" from deary old husband who out busting his b@lls all day?

    While men were building their wealth and their careers and had women raising their families for them, of course this was a sweet deal for them. They  had it BOTH ways back then without having to give up much of anything to get the best out of both situations. Career and Family, along with a personal housekeeper/sevant (wife) to take care of them, as they saw it?

    But on the other hand, (the anti-fem men certainly wouldn't see it that way) women got screwed BOTH ways. We couldn't have careers and the ones that WERE available to them were secretaries, seam-stresses, pretty much jobs that were low paying and one couldn't live on their own on low wages. Oh but can always become a prostitute if all else fails, right?....

    We couldn't support ourselves and not to mention, that women were NOT taken seriously because of the very fact that we WERE domestic workers and couldn't possibly know much beyond household workings and looking dainty and feminine....

    So with that in mind, how could anti-fem men seriously think that women had it good back in the "Good ole" days where men were "men" and women were "women"? Yeah, women were women, but we got treated like child-like second class citizens and financial headaches.

    Women were NOT considered assets to have in a family where sons went out and got "breadwinner" jobs and brought wealth to the family, while all daughters were destined to become was a married woman who one had to "support" and give children to.

    Just because it was a convenient set up for a long time, doesn't mean it's something women covet going back to. And who are they kidding?

    It was great because men had full control back then, so of course the anti-fems have a sense of entitlement because that's the way it was back then and that's the way they'd like it be...AGAIN...FOREVER.

    Wouldn't that be great???

    Kris W: I think all these things that you mention should be something men should get as human beings and it isn't fair that these discriminations are happening to males in general.

    I wouldn't justify discriminating against men simply because they did it to us because two wrongs don't make a right.

    Nobody is saying that it's easy being a man at any point in history, but I'm kind of sick of tired of men constantly tooting their own horns and finding ways to justify their own self-serving behavior that glorify their worth as men and their right to have certain privileges over women.

    These kind of men are always comparing how the past dealt with these very issues we're talking about to the present situation we're dealing with and it isn't solving anything.

    You want to know one of the BIG reasons why men are having such a hard time being taken seriously for the very issues that you mention? You think it's all just the feminazi's fault?

    It's mainly because there are men out there who want to cling onto the old, outdated perceptions of gender roles and expectations that mostly gave men power over women, where they didn't have to make any compromises or discuss "solutions" that benefit both sexes for the greater good. The rules were originally made BY men FOR men.

    It's all about upholding "traditional values"  for the sake of upholding them and that contradicts everything that you as a man in the 21st century is dealing with ....where you aren't taken seriously as a nurturing, father figure who can raise and take care of kids, where you ARE seen as an overly aggressive, hyper sexual being who can't control himself because as a male, you have certain "needs" .

    Now who's fault is it really? Is it really the fems or is it because that's how men in a patriachal society general perceive and EXPECT...of themselves to begin with?

    You're fighting a war on two fronts: the man-hating feminazis who want to p**s on men for everything and the women-demonizing men who think the ONLY solution is to go back to way things were before.....of which both sides and their agendas are completely unacceptable.

  13. sexist pigs have the right to do and think whatever they want, just like the rest of us.  the only payback is that they get to live warped relationships on all fronts: at home, at work, with friends, etc.

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