
How do Austrailians feel about America?

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Is it generally negative like the way most European countries feel or do Austrailians feel differently?




  1. First. Learn to spell Australians.. before asking us :)

    Well, personally i dont like America much.. I dont know why..

    Australia is turning into America more each day.

  2. I like America is some ways. I would love to go there because they have all the technology and new things come out there first.

    Though the bad side is the crime, and all those other bad things that happen there :( I really hate it, it's so aweful.

    Though all that aside, america is a good place.

    One thing that gets my nerves is how patriotic Americans can be, I really hate that.   I mean I love Australia but you don't see me getting into a fight, then winning and screaming out "YEAHHH IM A PROUD AUSSIEE! WHOO!".

  3. Not being able to spell Australians won't help.

    Some people in Australia don't like America because of poor political moves, but generally everyone's benefitting from the American influences in Australia.

    A lot of people in Australia hate George Bush though, but those people are usually poorly informed sheep

    note, if you're an American tourist in Australia, you really wouldn't come into contact with any hatred. People aren't usually that judgemental of tourists

  4. Australians have complex feelings towards America. The majority of Australians feel that the American government abuses it's power for it's own gain. An example of this was during the East Timor independence riots that broke out in 1999. People were being murdered by militia for voting for independence, and Australia tried to set up a regional peace keeping force and was told by the US government: "We have no interests in Timor, and therefore consider it a waste of our resources." But, there are many more example like that.

    In spite of this, Australians are pretty able to separate a country's government from it's people. So while we really dont like the government, we generally like the people. For the most part, most Australians see Americans as being fairly polite and reasonable people, like anyone else from around the world.

    Australians a little confused by American culture, however. For example, I was there in December, and I was stunned at how people dont walk ANYWHERE. Like, we dont walk very much in Australia, but, to even walk a mile was something that it seemed so little people would do.

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