
How do Birthday Parties work?

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I know this is a weird question but I never had parties growing up:

My daughter’s turning 6. I want her to invite 4 friends to the park. I assume their brothers and sisters will want to come. Add their moms and our closest relatives – 8 kids 14 grownups. I think I should get about 24 cupcakes, ice cream, and 16 - 24 party bags.

My boyfriend says parents will want to drop off their kids and go. I shouldn’t have to provide cake, ice cream, and drinks for the parents and siblings.

So tell me … How does this party thing work? I thought it was unfair to leave out brothers and sisters. (we’re talking about 4-7 yr old kids here) And I hope that most of the parents would want to stay and keep an eye on their kids.

I’m also trying to think of simple, not too messy crafts we can do. Is making animal puppets out of crayons, paper plates, and popsicle sticks a bad idea? And how much would you suggest goes in a party favor bag? I’m thinking a balloon, bubbles, and a small animal or car.




  1. I would not invite the siblings...that could get costly. I would specify, ( put the exact child`s name on the invitation). That way you don`t become a babysitting service.Most parents do not stay to keep an eye on the kids. I would try a facility where they entertain the kids for you, ( MacDonald's`s, etc..), or invite a small group of well behaved children.Again try researching into a facility or hire a group of teenagers to help you with the group of children..I hire Y.A.K , ( young artists of kingston) to do my son`s party, they did crafts and entertaining for me..

  2. I think your idea is fantastic! You can not be expected to watch four children, do activities,etc. without the parents there. Especially at the age you are referring to.

    I suggest that you plan the children to get together and 'free play' for 15 minutes. Then get together and do the project for 15 minutes. Then cake, ice cream novelty for 15 minutes. Then the free play again for 15 minutes.

    Make a note on the invitation: " ___________and family are invited to attend_______party...........etc."

    *All children must be with parent or responsible adult. Thank you

    That way; if a child should fall and get hurt you will not be liable; will not have to drop everything and rush a child to the hospital if they get hurt, etc.

    Consider cupcakes and ice cream cups or novelties. Just hand them out so you won't have to cut the cake or dish out ice cream.

    I think you have given a lot of thought to this and you are right on track !

    Maybe when the children are closer to 8 or 9 you may want to 'not' invite the parents.

    Have a great party :)

  3. A few things...

    1) If you're having a party in the park, you probably don't want ice cream. It is getting mighty hot out and those kids will be nothing more than a sticky mess.

    2) You should send out invitations inviting the four friends to the park ONLY... BUT leave an open invitation for the other children, provided that the parents are willing to stay and help watch them. That way, if the parents decide to bail you'll only be left with watching a maximum of 5 kids instead of umpteen. Regardless, everyone should RSVP so you know how many cupcakes to bring to the party.

    3) Yes you should provide refreshments at the party. It is YOUR daughter's birthday and would be the same if you went to a party elsewhere - that mommy would provide the cake, right? However, if you are going to have cupcakes and "goodie bags" (which I am assuming will probably have candy in them along with the usual party favors), then you may want to consider providing water to drink or all-natural juices mixed with water. I seriously doubt the other parents would be pleased if you loaded up their youngsters on sugar and then sent them home for their parents to have to deal with them.

    4) As for games... you should try to keep them as active as possible. Remember that making animal puppets is something that they would probably do in school and could easily be bored with. Instead, think of relay races and other activity games where they'll be able to burn off whatever sugar you feed them. Balloons and bubbles are a great idea. As for the animal - you may have to get permission in order to have one at a public park (I'm talking if you're getting a pony or something). Some parks do not allow ANY animals at all - not even to walk your pet. Others allow a whole zoo.

    Another idea is to hire a clown or a magician. Children at this age are easily amused by such performers.

  4. First off don't get sucked in to the "bigger is better" with birthday parties. Simple is best.  Keep it to the friends that your daughter wants to invite to celebrate her day with. Parents do not normally stay for a birthday party for kids unless it's a relative they are close to so I wouldn't plan on any adults sticking around.  You're guest list at this point should be 1 invited guest for each year your child will be in age plus 2.  Ask her who she wants to invite from her class or neighborhood pals.

    I would also suggest you pick a theme so you know what direction your party will go. Just doing a bunch of random stuff turns into boredom and chaos fast with kids.  The theme could be as simple as her favorite cartoon character or even something like a favorite color, game or other thing. Ask her what she wants to theme her party around.

    Cupcakes work great for kids at this age. get little individual cups of the icecream to go with it. It makes it easy with portion control and serving.  Drinks are also nice at parties. This is where chilling juice boxes down in a cooler would work great.

    Add a colorful plastic table covering, make your cupcakes the center piece and set the cooler in place kids can access it easy for a drink (plan on 2 per child) add some colorful party napkins and plates and some balloons and there you go.

    For goody bags avoid candy. As a parent myself with a little boy that gets lots of invites I cringe at goody bags that come home loaded with sugary sweets and junk.  I think alot of parents do, especially after they just had cake/icecream at the party.  Pick something that matches your theme and plan on spending between $3-$5 per guest per goodie bag to take home.  Try to match your items in the bag to something with your theme to tie it together.  Adults will not care about goodie bags, just the kids, but make sure they are something they want. Bad goody bags are a let down. You don't have to be over the top expensive, but get creative with the theme and what the goody is.

    Don't forget some party favor horns and hats for the kids, maybe a confetti popper at each guest's place at the party for the cake ceremony.  

    Something that is also helpful is to place all the presents in a large decorated box (just cover it with wrapping paper with a side open) and let your birthday child open them later at home. This saves you the long ordeal of lack of patience of other kids waiting for them to be opened AND it saves the awkward moments of getting something they don't like or all ready have in front of others.  Be sure that EVERYONE who comes to the party gets a hand done thank you note from the birthday girl in the mail for their gift and coming to the party. A picture of the birthday child with the present they gave included is a nice touch.  Also be sure the birthday child says thank you to each guest and gives them their goody take home at the end of the party.

    Also on your invitations be sure they go out about 2-3 weeks BEFORE the party date and include a phone number for RSVP.  If you don't hear from some people before the RSVP deadline call them and ask so you can plan accordingly. typically kids don't invite siblings of their friends to their parties unless they are good playmates and buddies with the siblings also. It's also considered rude for someone to stay around at a party, be it child or adult, where they were not invitied. It is understood that the invitation is only for the name of the person that it is sent to.

  5. Yes, a lot of parents should come. It is not necessary to invite siblings.Best party I ever had, was at a park that had water jets. I sent medium paper bags  with invitation (get some free ones at the convenience store) Have them to decorate them & put their names on them.Collect them before party.Pinatas are the biggest hit.Fill with hard candy, tootsie rolls, bubble gum-nothing tht can melt or break.(like chocalate). I bought cheap water guns  & bubbles to give out to the kids,Put in homemade bags, let themplay with during party Make sure they leave bags on tables, so they use to pick up pinata candy.I never had parties eighter growing up.You need to feed them some real food (pizza`s the main one) cheese.Drinks, potato chips & cupcakes.Honestly, I found out it`s cheaper to have it at McDonalds! One that has a good play area.Let them eat the their food first, then play, then the cake or 7 cupcakes. - one to grow on!light candles-sing Happy b-day. blow out-clap. Open presents.Do pinata -Play . Honestly McDonalds is better, some give out treat bags!

  6. Invite the whole family.   Have hamburgers, chips and drinks.  It's fun they eat then the birthday boy/girl opens gifts then every one leaves.  You can also find a park that has a pool you can rent for 1-2 hours and they provide the lifeguard.   We have done it several years for 50-80 people.  Just put a few people in charge of certain things.  It's so much fun.  In regards to the party favor bag it depends on the age group.  Check your local Walmart or party works and get stuff that will work for the 4-7 age group.

  7. Well in your invitation you could invite the whole family.

    Address the invitation to the family name (The Smiths)

    and then provide food for the parents. The gift bags can just be for the children.

    Otherwise if its at a park, they will mostly be playing amongst themselves except when its time to eat.

    You can do small projects like coloring and animal puppets, but for the most part they will probably just be playing. You can play some outdoor games with them or maybe pinatas.

  8. It's your decision.  If you want to invite the whole family, address the invite to "The Jones Family" (or every name individually.)  If the party is just for the kids, address it to Mary Jones ... and it would be VERY rude if Mary's entire family showed up unannounced/uninvited.

  9. most likly parents will drop thier kids off and won't leave the siblings unless you invited the siblings too.

    and don't do balloons kids choke on them

    but the rest sounds great

  10. Well, 6 years, she's probably going into 1st grade? Then, yes it should and is expected to be a drop off party.  Parents know not to invite the siblings.  You should do a separate party - one with relatives and one with her friends.  The craft is ok, but have a few other games handy.  If it's a 2 hour party (which is normal), then 30-45 minutes crafts/games, play in the park (if that's where you are having it) and allow at least 30 minutes for cake and opening gifts.

  11. Invite as many kids as you want. So for you it's 8. Make 15 cupcakes because not all parents will stay and want one. Google "Fun Crafts For Birthday partys" and you should get some neat things. Also just bring a little box thing of ice cream and 8 goodie bags. What you have for the party bag is good but add some candy. Have them make animal masks,have them decorate their own goodie bags and then have them load it with stuff.  I hope this helped.


  12. Normally I hire a hall or something and a bouncy caste, have the childrens parents drop them off but I make sure it's clear that they can stay if they want to and so can siblings. Not all parents will want to stay, but you should provide food for those coming, and party bags for all the children. If it's your daughters party then she'll probably just want her friends there though, not so and sos annoying little brother etc.

    Good luck

  13. I think that if you invite the child, the parents and siblings should be invited too.  Food, and drink should be provided for EVERYONE.

    We have a BBQ dinner with sides, chips & dips, soda, beer, water.........

    after everyone has had something to eat we then open presents and then we eat cake....after that everyone goes home.

    if anyone says , 'can i bring anything'.....just ask them to bring their favorite dish to share.

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