
How do Brasilians feel about the DOT open skies deal for airlines?

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I was just wondering how do some of you Brasilians feel about the (DOT) Department Of Transportation agreement for open skys, airlines from USA and Brasil and how would Brasilians benefit from this? In case some of you are wondering what this means, means that airlines like Delta, United or even American airlines can fly to whatever city in Brasil they desire as long as it makes revenue and cargo if desire. Like wise for Tam airlines or Gol if they desire to fly to other citys in the USA if desired. I think if I were Tam I would have a direct flight from Boston, MA, to Sao Paulo seems their is a good size Brasilian population in Boston




  1. I live in Brazil and travel to the US about 5 times a year.  I think it is great.  The less regulation the lower the cost.  Let the market drive the routs.

  2. I've been to Brazil 3 times and would like to go back again. This sounds like a good idea. I also agree about the population in the Boston area. There are many in Boston,Cambridge, Framingham and Worcester....

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