
How do Brits living and working in the US, celebrate (US) Independence Day?

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How do Brits living and working in the US, celebrate (US) Independence Day?




  1. I imagine they relish the opportunity to sleep in and try to ignore some of the more flawed interpretations of the Rebellion mentioned. That's what I'd do if I was in America, anyway.

  2. By playing dead.

  3. My brother is living in the US (we are Irish) and he has a big party going on today,

    Won't be tea being served either.

    Of course any excuse for a knees up with us :-)

  4. Quietly

  5. Well I'm British, I don't live in the US but if I did I'd just join in the party.  I couldn't give a toss whether it was based on some battle between Britain and America 200 years ago, thats long in the past, I'd just enjoy it!

    An American friend living over here in the UK had a 4th of July party a few years back and we all went, ate American food (hotdogs, chilli etc lol) and set off fireworks, its just a bit of fun.

    Any American who thinks that British people are somehow "upset at losing the War of Independence" is grossly deluded!!  We don't care at all, its just part of history.

  6. They have a nice cup of tea overlooking Boston harbour.

  7. I don't think they do.

    They just get the day off.

  8. Well, I don't live or work in USA, but I am British and do live overseas. When they have their local holidays, I just chill and enjoy the day off work!

  9. I suppose!We Brits do not make much of Independece Day as Americans do!We tend to look upon it as Dependence Day!Why?The amount of money the EU along with Japan,China and finally India have to plough into the US to keep it solvent!We tend to celebrate the successful battle of 1812! When we burned down the White House more!Does that answer the question!

  10. same as any other person in the usa does

    its just a christmas dinner really

    alot of us celebrate christmas without thinking to much about the meaning of it

    so i dont see it as a problem

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