
How do Chinese people and government look at American tourists or Immigrants in China ?

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How do Chinese people and government look at American tourists or Immigrants in China ?




  1. There are probably as many answers as there are people in China.

    Tourism helps the economy, and China has plenty of very nice hotels in big cities, many owned by European companies. Of course Americans/westerners really do stand out, a friend of mine who is tall and blond who went there almost ten years ago got a lot of notice everywhere she went. That would probably be somewhat less of an oddity nowadays, as more western companies are moving there.

    If you go to China though and you wish to stay out of trouble, don't be the least bit critical of anything the government does, at least publicly. I knew someone who was a graduate student from the U.S. who simply posed a question to his students in China about how they felt about China's policy toward Taiwan and he was asked to leave a week later.

    I also heard about a woman this week who was involved in a pro-democracy demonstration in the streets with a group of Chinese citizens. She was manhandled and put in jail for a day; the other Chinese may remain locked up and God knows what will happen to them. She probably also benefited from the fact that the world's eyes are currently focused on Beijing.

    I would guess that the way the government sees outsiders and the way the citizenry sees outsiders are generally two different things.

  2. i think that us chinese would be pretty glad and proud to have people come, but at the same time we're kind of being a little not liking them and  friendly too, at least thats what i think, even though i dont live there i still think like everyone else there

  3. Like a big walking bag of money...

  4. Whats the body count so far?

  5. China looks at you as a Spy since the moment you step down from the plane. They have many spies checking on you all the time to know of your activities in the country. I know it, i was in china a few months ago.

    They don't trust anyone who comes into china as a tourist.

    remember they are communists and have so many things that they don't want to display to the world. Like their killing in Tibet, or their lack of freedom of expression.

    China is still red. and scary.

  6. The relationship between a Chinese person and an American is the same as the relationship between a pen and a blank cheque.

    You might as well hang a placard round your head saying 'Please take my money, please take my company's money, and - h**l - while you're at it please take my government's money.'

    Having said that, they will do it in a thoroughly pleasant and amiable manner! The Chinese people are utterly lovable once you know how it all works with them.

  7. they think americans are weird

  8. Yes they look at them..but it is not obvious to everyone as they don't like eye contact

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