
How do Digital Voice Recorders work for deaf people?

by Guest59555  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm confused because I'm doing an essay about a deaf person and she says she uses a Digital Voice Recorder to record what the lecturer is saying. She then takes it home and listens to it and she types up notes from her recording.

I mean how can she type what the DVR is saying when she is deaf? Does the DVR show what the person is saying?

I'm really, really confused so can you please, please help me?

Thank You Very Much For Your Help! I really appreciate it!




  1. If she says she listens to it then she still has some hearing.  She intensifies the volume by using headphones or similar device.  Not all deaf or blind people are completely that.  People could lose enough of the senses to be the term "legally deaf," etc.

  2. By the sounds of it, if she really said she 'listens' to it, then that is what she means.  Being called Deaf means a whole variety of things.  Not all of the definitions for 'deaf' mean one can't hear anything.  It can mean they have a hearing loss of some sort, even to the extent of only losing a range (such as not hearing high notes above a certain octave).  But another meaning is more about culture.  Have you learned about Deaf culture yet?  Many people will claim they are Deaf, even if their hearing loss its slight.  This doesn't mean they are lying.  It means they include themselves in the Deaf community.  Oftentimes this means they know sign language, have friends and family that sign and are active in the Deaf community.  

    So, ultimately.  She does as one person here as said.  With it recorded she can up the volume, pause, rewind and do what she needs to do to make it clear.  =^)

  3. if she is deaf then she cant hear the lesson but if she has a firewire cable that can connect the DVR to her computer she can download it and format the computer to write out the lecturer onto Microsoft word so she can see it.

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