
How do Doctor's induces you??? ?

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I'm 39 weeks and i'm getting induces tomorrow. how do they do it as I'm starting to get nervous :(




  1. i know of one way that my friends have had and has worked.. is the dr puts a cream on your cervix that will stimulate it to get things moving..

    it doesn't hurt to put the cream on it just take a while to get things moving then its all up to you and your bub.. GOOD LUCK!!

  2. There are a few ways doctors induce labor and the most common way is to inject pitocin through an IV. Pitocin is a synthetic form of oxytocin which is the natural hormone which starts labor.  

  3. I was induced with my first, they put some type of cream inside to help soften the cervix, i started contracting within the hour, nothing to painful though... I went to sleep and woke up about 6 hours later b/c my water had broken, they started the pitocin an hour after that and i had him 8 hours later...  but they started mine at about 10pm so i slept through most of it... it was not bad for me, i hope you have an easy labor ...... good luck!!!

  4. They either insert a pill vaginally, or put on a cream on your v****a to get things moving. It doesn't hurt at all, although you may expereince a peeing sensation.

    Good luck and congrats!

  5. hey why not ask your doctor just is happening mine explained  how and why i was to have the proceedure  she/he should have told you weeks ago just what was to be done

  6. they can do it three ways, i was induced with both of mine so im in the know, once you get to hospital they will geive you an internal if the cervix is ripening they will go ahead and break your waters which will bring on labour,  however in most cases the cervix is not ready and a gel will be inserted (this hurts if you dont relax) right into the cervix and will be repeated every 6 hours 6 times maximum and you will be strapped up to monitors regularly to make sure baby is doing ok, this should bring on labour, it worked with me on the second application but i did know others there who had had the maximum and then had to go onto the drip which is the last and so im told most painful way of induction but i cant tell you as never had the drip. My first i had the gel, my second i had my waters broken which many people say hurts also but i didnt feel a thing except a small pop then immediate contractions..  good luck and congratulations in advance

  7. You havnt asked anyone? They break your amniotic fluid sack by putting a chopstick shaped thing into your v****a and bursting the sack

  8. when i was induced at 38 weeks they gave me an iv with pitocin in it all day  and increased it every 30 mins or so and turned it off at night so I could eat, then re-started it in the morning and soon after re-starting it they broke my water manually, an hour or so after that labor picked up on its own!  

  9. I was induce at 41 weeks.

       Feb. 11:

               at 7 PM- They give me Cervidil to ripen the cervix (it looks like a tampon, it's safe because it's not very strong, and it can be remove at any time)

                                     - They put a baby heart monitor on my belly

                                     - Put me on IV and let me rest for the night ( I only slept for few hours, its not painful just uncomfortable, and because of the excitement was hard to sleep.)  If you can TRY TO GET AS MUCH REST AS YOU CAN makes a big difference when you start your labor.

        Feb. 12 :

              -at 9AM  I was dilated 2 cm (not much)  they where suppose to start me at 7 AM (12 hours after I start Cervidil). I was put on Pitocin (in IV) to start the contractions.

             Pitocin is more controversial but most often used in induction. It is very strong and usually gives you more painful and strong contractions also depends how strong your doctor decide to make it.

              Try to eat something light and go to the bathroom before they start you on Pitocin.

               Once you start Pitocin you can't get out of the bed.

               They kept the baby heart monitor on my belly, and continued with the IV.

               Now the fun part starts:

             -15 minutes later I start the contractions. At first they where ok, but after about 40 minutes they got very strong. You have a choice to get a pain killer before the epidural (if you choose to have it, witch I hope you do) You have to be at least 5 cm dilated before epidural.

                I choose not to get any pain killer. You have to understand that any pain killer except epidural will affect the baby. If you get it to close from delivery and the baby gets sleepy she will not be able to push out and you risk having a cesareans. And with induction your labor can be very quick. Also it can affect the heart bit of the baby, so choose wisely.

               The pain is bearable if you stay calm, have your husband next to you for support and adjust your breathing with your contractions ( it helps a little bit) And this is the part when you need to be rest and relaxed.

               I got dilated from 2cm at 9am to 7cm at 12pm (and that's quick)

               at 12pm I start Epidural.

                              After Epidural 30 minutes later doctor came in to put a second baby monitor inside the cervix but discover that my water broke ( usually the doctor brakes the water). It felt like I pee.  

    From this moment I was officially in the last stage of labor.

            The Epidural made the labor a walk in the park. The pushing was not painful  and I was able to enjoy the coming of my little girl without distraction. The pushing last 1 hour (to quick) and at 1 pm my little girl came out just in time for the doctor to catch her. She was a healthy and strong 8 pd 20 in.

             Most doctors come to delivery few minutes before the end so I hope you will have a good nurse to help you through the process. Mine was very nice but made me push to fast and my little girl was all bruise up on the face from coming out to quick. However it was nothing serious it happens when the baby comes out to fast, and the bruises go away within few day.


            One very important thing for you to know is the  medication you will be given to induce labor they have two choices for the cervix ripen (the cm dilated):  

               1) Cervidil

               2) Cytotec

        Do not choose Cytotec (doctors prefer it because is cheaper) but is a very controversial medication. In Europe is ban because its to dangerous. The contractions are to strong and has a 20 percent risk to cause emergency caesarian.

                Make your own opinion by reading more about this two medications on web. It helps to be inform.

           I hope this information will help ease your day, and get you more relax.

           Good luck and I wish you an easy labor.

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