
How do Dollar Store importers make their money?

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Importing seems very expensive for people i know... The transportation, the freight, the insurance, the taxes... What is their secret?




  1. Almost everything they these stores sell is made in China. Much of in in sweat shops and prisons. Our wonderful congress and senate insure the Chinese can dump all these things in our country. The US owes more money to China than any country in the world.

    Your question does not get into the contaminated food and medical products that have injured people in the US and other countries.

  2. The secret is to buy very large quantities in order to cut down on shipping, and to sell high volumes at a low profit margin.

    The supermarkets operate on a similar basis.

  3. If you can fit 200,000 items on a ship, and it costs you $50,000 to ship it, that's $0.40 per item.

    The store gets it for $0.40 and sells for $0.99.

    That's profit.

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