
How do Dubai or men in general living in that area deal with being taken to the cleaners by their wifes ?

by Guest57985  |  earlier

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ya ya all Islamists are womenbeaters and terrorists, I GOT IT.

Try to get a worldview beyond fox news.




  1. Why is Lyantha accused of slandering when what is said is as true as some women in Dubai taking their men to the cleaners?

    It works both ways and one generalisation deserves another.

    Make it fair.

    The men in Dubai most likely react in a similar fashion as western men.

    As I said, one generalisation deserves another.  To gain understanding, a person must first understand others and look at every angle.  No preachy tones, too tired.  Just no point getting angry.

  2. Nobody should be "taken to the cleaners", period. A divorce should be fair and neither partner should end up screwed because of it. Also, both men and women should have a chance to flourish economically. I have a feeling that men in Dubai hold much of the financial power, so men lose much more in a divorce (women have a lot to gain by divorcing a man there). The law is bent in all directions over there, first to restrict women, then to give them unecessary benefits. It should just be straightfoward and simple. Educate everyone, give everyone equal opportunity to gain financial success, make divorce laws fair. Taking somebody to the cleaners should be a thing of the past.

  3. If he was a good husband,then he would not be taken to the cleaners.

    Finally women have equal rites regarding divorce.

    Most men in the middle east do not even deserve to marry the women there.

  4. Sounds like someone took your candy little guy :(

    If you actually look at stats, just as many women as men get a raw deal. Men just usually cry about it over the beer keg more. And if someone gets taken to the cleaners well they probably did something to deserve it. Because technically the JUDGE decides what final judgment is... and better than 1/2 of the judges are men in the US and even more in other countries. Do you think that most male judges would rule in favor of either side if there wasn't justification?

    Maybe one day men (the bad ones that is) will wake up and realize that women were not put on this earth to serve them by cooking cleaning birthing children nor were they put here to put up with adultery or abuse.

    So to all the women who do take lying, cheating, beating etc ex husbands to the cleaners ...YOU GO GIRL!!!

    catch ya later!!!! Have a GREAT day!

  5. In Dubai, they have no worries about money, so your analogy is entirely inapposite. Try again, and change that avatar; that kid must be in his teens by now!

  6. The same way the women deal with being beaten, raped, and locked away by their husbands.

    Really, which do you think is worse?

    Edit:  I don't think it's any worse than saying that all women are selfish gold diggers.  Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

    Cassius, I don't watch TV, let alone Fox News.

    Edit: And I never said that all Muslims were "womenbeaters and terrorists".  You said that.

    I've never taken a women's studies class.

  7. i have a muslim friend who got divorced last year in morocco, she got the house and the kids, pretty much the same deal as we have here.

    Lyanthya, that's pretty serious slandering so many people like that, my married muslim friends treat each other a lot better that my western married friends.

    im male, what am i to you, child molester, rapist, wife beater?

    the neck on you feminists, accusing everyone else of generalising and stereotyping while being the worst offenders yourselves.

    ok thumbs down for my objecting to her slandering and stereotyping muslim people.

    the right wing, posing as liberals, that's all you are

    EDIT, i make no claims to be pc or liberal, i don't accociate myself with a hypocritical bigoted small minded group that preaches to others about generalising and sterotyping while being the worst offenders themselves, i can say what i like.

    Shivers, whats with the preachy tones and zen like message? come on.

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