
How do Horses drink?

by  |  earlier

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Do they lap it up like a cat/dog, or gulp it down?

I just can't see how they could drink fast enough if they lap.




  1. They gulp it down with their mouth.

    And tend to dribble a lot of it once they're done too.


  2. They use their lips to pick up some water and kind of slurp up some too. :p

  3. they more or less suck it up, they kinda stick there mouth in the water and suck it up like people do a straw, they can dribble quite abit when they lift there head up,

    some horses do lap but not really water, they will lap up molasses

  4. they stick their muzzle in the water and suck it up.

  5. They suck it between their teeth.  They will also wash their mouths out by playing with it and swooshing it through their mouths and letting it out.  Stand well back when they do this as you will end up getting a shower too!

  6. they kinda slurp it.

    some play with it by laping it,

  7. I should assume like any other animal would

  8. No, horses can't lap it like a cat or dog would, they gulp it down. They put their muzzle into the water, just far enough to suck up water, and then they gulp it down.

    Hope this helped you!

  9. They stick their mouths in the water, suck it in (sort of like humans sipping), and then gulp it down

  10. they drink like we do, just by gulping. if you watch them drinking then you will see them gulping it by looking at their throat. they don't lap it up like dogs etc.
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