
How do I 'come out of the closet'?

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I'm scared to tell my parents that I'm g*y. I'm sure they wouldn't disown me, but I know they would feel ashamed. I'm also afraid that everyone in my extended family will talk about me behind my back as if I was the bad seed of the family and such because I am apparently the only g*y member in my whole family. Even though I'm only 16, I feel like moving as far away from home and never contacting any of my family members because I'm scared of what they would think. I even consider forcing myself to be straight when I'm older. What do I do?




  1. Do NOT force yourself to be something that your not if your g*y, then your g*y you cant change who you wanna be. And i would think that your family would understand i meen..its you g*y or not your the same person inside its not like you changed your personality your outside look and became rude and stuff. If you think about it..your just changing what type you like? its that should just tell your parents when you feel ready. I DOUT they would think of you any different your still there child and no one can change that.=]

    best of luck!

  2. You don't need to make a big deal out of it by making some sort of announcement.

    Just live your life the way that you want.

    If you behave as though there's nothing wrong, people will probably make less of a fuss about it.

    On the other hand, if go out of your way to make a big show of it, then people will pay attention.

    Just do your thing. And if people talk, who cares.

    Don't worry about what people say if they don't have the courage to say it to your face.

  3. Never force yourself to do anything your not comfortable with. Sit your parents down and have a long conversation with them and tell them the truth. of course it will feel a little weird. maybe you can just tell your parents to keep it between them and u only. Im sure your parents will be there for you.  if anyone wants to talk about you behind their back, dont worry let them. a bad seed may start out a bad seed but eventually it will turn into a good seed with the right treatment. so treat yourself the right way and dont let anything bring you down. your perfect the way you are. good luck!!

  4. tell your parents when you are ready. you will know whwen the time is right. continue to live your lif the way you have been and do not cange your living habits for anyone. it is your life and only you can make it a happy one.  

  5. Then hide it. I'm bi and I ain't tellin' my parents for sh*t

  6. Tell them. They love you and would love you no matter what you did. Get into a group, like a GSA. Tell your friends, or just one, if you are scared. Some of your family members might be skeptical at first, but eventually some new family gossip will come along and you will be just another member of the family again. No one is going to be ashamed. You cant be ashamed either! Youre just telling them who you really are! Tell them gently, though. Good Luck.  

  7. wait 2 more years?

  8. First of all, you should never force yourself to be something else (in this case, straight) in order to make someone else happy - especially at the expense of your own happiness.

    That being said, don't rush yourself.  Wait until the time is right and tell your parents that you're g*y in a calm, collected manner.  Depending on your parents' personalities, it may be a good idea to make them promise to discuss it calmly and rationally beforehand.

  9. Tell them. I told mine when I was about 14. Most of them do not speak to  me anymore, but that is all good. I have my life and I am happy with it. They are the ones missing out on my fabulous life, not me. You just have to tell yourself that and just make sure that whatever you do, you do it for YOU. Make you happy before anyone else and you will never go wrong.

    Good luck and welcome to The Family.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  10. get to know them better first. get really close to them and find out how they really would react. bring up g*y marriage in conversation, not for the g*y part but for the civil rights part, and see how they react. start by coming out to your close friends, and make sure they know how bad it would be if they told anybody. see how people react, just get a feel for what coming out is like. be strong and just keep going. and when you feel ready to tell your parents, wait til your life is calm and you don't have other drama to deal with. coming out will make your life more confusing and stuff, but it's worth it. just be strong and wait and think, and you'll figure out what to do. good luck

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