
How do I Check My House To See If I'm Being Visited By Ghosts?

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I am interested in Paranormal activities and I was wondering, "What If my house is haunted by a ghost? How do I find that out?" Yes, I have had times where I felt I was being watched and I've heard footsteps. Just two nights ago, I could have SWORN something came into my room and turned my radio off! When I woke up the next morning, it was fine. How do I check my house for Phantoms?




  1. A simple (and inexpencive) way to check for ghosts is just to take any camera and take random pics. check them out you never know what you will find!

  2. This should help.

    It tells you 16 ways to check your house for hauntings.

  3. If you see a ghost right in front of you for an extended period of time then your house is probably haunted.  A misbehaving radio, perceived footsteps, etc. are not indications of a haunting.

    It's important that you have an objective and impartial approach to investigating potentially paranormal situations.  It sounds to me like you're already past that.

  4. The best thing you can do is be very observant. Keep a notebook and pen nearby so that you can document "odd occurrences" when they happen. Pay attention to the time of day, other things going on in the home, etc. Sometimes you will see patterns forming. For example, one of our clients heard footsteps often throughout the springtime, usually mid morning. Well the footsteps turned out to be the hard wood floors upstairs warming up and "popping".

    You can try taking photographs with your digital camera, but do yourself a favor first. Read the manual and perhaps take a photography course. Often people mistake cormal camera and user errors as signs of paranormal activity.

    If you are truly convinced your home is haunted, contact a local paranormal research organization. Most offer their services for free. Even if they do not do a full investigation, you might get a good consultation on what steps you should do next.

    As for what a ghost is, I disagree. The traditional definition of "ghost" is "the soul of a dead person". It is not emotional energy recorded at the site. The term used in parapsychology for that currently is "residual haunting" or "reoccurring psychokinetic energy (RPKE)". Shifting the commonly accepted names for ghosts and spirits has always been a little too new agey for me.

  5. Buy some glitter and pour a tea spoon's worth into a glass full of water. Mix the solution until the glitter is fully emersed in the water.

    If their are many colors, then your house is ghost-free. If you only have one color, you have been visited recently. The color of the glitter depends on the type of spirit that has visited you.

  6. call ghost buster

  7. Throw a ton of coins on the floor and leave it there.  Ghosts hate that, they will feel compelled to pick it up and stack it in even amounts by denomination.  You can trap ghosts by leaving an odd amount of change, so they can't leave even stacks.

  8. follow yor cat around for a while.

  9. O.o




  10. It is best if you eliminate all the natural causes of any event you think may be paranormal.  So for example, you hear footsteps when no one should be in the house but you, look first for the natural causes.  Wood surfaces shrink and expand and when they do that, they will creak, bump and even make a whistle sound.  Tile will make noises as well.  A mouse across tile makes a really funny noise.  Those are just a few examples.  If you are not able to duplicate the noises that you heard, then you start thinking paranormal.  then is when you want to start making photos, run a video camera, or putting out some audio recorders.

    The main thing is to remember there is that even if it ends up unexplained naturally, there is a very low chance that anything paranormal will actually cause you harm.  It is possible to have paranormal activity in a home or business, but there not be a ghost or spirit there to be the cause.  So don't let it hinder you from finding out what is going on.

  11. Ok first things first .... let me clear up a common misconception .... A Ghost is not the same as a spirit. Ghosts are residual energy left behind by a very emotional event that leaves like an imprint in time, a kind of glitch in the matrix if you like.

    Spirit is the essence of someone whose physical body has died, so the energy of that person that continues to live after the physical death. Remember that energy never ceases to exist ... it may change form but it is always there.

    ok secondly ...ghosts just replay the same scene over and over ... and they are like a film really .... they are not a sentient being .... you cant communicate with a ghost and it cant do anything to you, it has no "mind"

    So you say you have heard footsteps ... well this cant be either. Spirit has no mass ... so couldnt create the sound of weight on the floor and neither spirit or a ghost would turn off your radio.

    The feeling of being watched however could be your awareness of spirit or at least that you sense soimething other than what you are aware of being around you at the time.

    Personally, I wouldnt worry about it. It just sounds like you are experiencing very normal things everyone experiences ... houses creak ... and radios are known to go off now and again... too many explanations to consider.

    If you are interested in the paranormal my advice is do your best to find a good source of information and learn as much as you can.

    If however it is spirit you are interested in ... maybe consider finding a spiritualist church or some other place where you can learn and even better develop any abilities you have.

    I have a site which hopes to help people understand all elements of this kind of thing. We aim to put the normal back in the paranormal ... we have daily classes that are completely free for everyone. Check it out everyone is welcome :o)

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