
How do I Earn Money For A Laptop?!?

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I just found a cute little laptop at Best Buy.... it's 350 bucks. Every Sunday, I do my family's laundry for eight dollars. My parents said that they would give me 150 dollars to start with. I also have 24 dollars in my wallet right now. I want to get this laptop by else can I earn the money??? PS: I am thirteen and can't get a formal job. :)




  1. You can see if any of your parents friends have work to do around the house.  My sister had her coworker's son come and pull weeds and pick up dog poo.  Weeds are a lot of hardwork, but we paid him 60 for a couple of hours worth of work.  Dog poo...depends on how much there is.  Babysitting?  You can have a spare change jar collection for any family member to donate.  My sister did that with her fundraising for marathon that she's gotten a good amount from that since she did it at her work.

    Around the holiday's dell has some awesome deals on laptops.  A few weeks ago they had laptops starting at 199.  If you're a student, dell and mac tend to have student discounts.  I don't know if best buy would be the best place to get a laptop, just do alot of research on the specs that work best for you.

    Good luck

  2. BABYSIT! That earns a lot of money, and the more kids the more money you can charge. You can also cut grass for your neighbors, or just beg your parents for more money.

  3. You could make some fliers and hang them up advertising that you will babysit on the weekends.  If you want to do it on week nights, I would suggest that you not stay up too late considering you are still in school.  Go around and ask your local churches if they need any help cleaning the church on the weekends.  Walk other peoples dogs after school and on the weekends.

  4. See if you can go around your neighborhood and do work for your neighbors. Tell them you saw a laptop for $350 and your parents said you could get it if you earn the money. Tell them you'll do their laundry and clean their home and yard. Once you knock on their doors and tell them your story i am sure you would get the money you need.

  5. when i really needed money, i rolled all of the coins i had in a jar in my room. my parents also gave me some of theirs, and when i was done, i made $127 dollars. if u have a lot of extra change, u should do that! good luck!

    = ]

  6. I am 13 too! Today and yesterday i looked after two kids for 45 bucks in total. If you don't want to look after kids, dogs, cars or gardens would be good. Just do it for friends or friends of friends. Babysitting is the best coz the kids sleep and you can eat loads of food and watch tv lol :)                     I'm saving up for a laptop for xmas too - SNAP!

  7. do chores around the house. or do a paper round, babysit or ask family and friends if they need any help with anything  

  8. theres a few openings on peidmont st out here in worcester, appt required...or experience

  9. It may sound crazy, but how about working????????????????

  10. My daughter did this: Go around to your neighbors on Saturday afternoon or evening and find out what kinds of donuts they want to have on Sunday morning. Charge maybe $1 per donut (just double the price the bakery charges) and take their orders and money.

    Sunday morning about 7 am, go to the bakery and pick up the donuts. Deliver them to your "customers." It's a great way to meet neighbors and earn money -- be sure to tell them what you are trying to earn.

    You can also offer to walk dogs for neighbors when they become so fat from eating your donuts that they can't walk anymore!

    One note: Always be careful - hopefully you have a nice neighborhood.  

  11. go ask people like in ur neighborhood if they have any jobs u could do and if theyde be willing to pay. like washing their cars or walking their dogs or something. Not only will you get the monet it may persuade people to "hire" you again in the future.

  12. mow lawns. you can seriously make good money doing this. set up with people to do their yard every saturday and charge them according to yard size. you could have that laptop in a month!

  13. babysitting, cat or dog sitting, mowing lawns?

  14. Hey

    Try this site:

    gives some the best legit sites to earn money or free prizes(game consoles, gift cards and so on )

    hope this helps

    good luck

  15. get a day job like paper round

  16. just keep saving.

    it seems hard but thats what you will have to do.

    sorry if i didn't help very much. =[


  17. look im only 13 and i already got $400 in my first month on this site just have have to spend time on the computer and try a little and thats it. :)

  18. try mowing lawns and watering plants....lemonade , yard sale with all the old stuff you dont want anymore. etc.  

  19. Go ask neighbors, family and friends what jobs you can do for them -- gardening, cleaning, walking pets, etc.

    DO NOT join on-line money making schemes or "jobs" or "click to make money" sites.

  20. baby sit 4 peole........ walk dogs............yard sell......... sell drinks in the coner of the street.............ext.

  21. try selling stuff you don't need on ebay or other places

  22. 13 years old....well..only 2 jobs I can think of are..lemonade stand or bag girl with a tip jar at a marketplace. Then there's babysitting and lawnmowin lol

  23. babysit..?

    if you want to get the laptop by christmas, just wait then and ask 'santa'.

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