
How do I Fake a Southern Accent?

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I am trying out for Laurey in the Musical Oklahoma!

the only problem is...I don't know how to speak with a southern accent.

My speech is very precise. I'm trying really hard. I am desperate. The auditions are in a week.

So everything is appriciated. Thankyou in advance!




  1. Faking an accent will not be helpful sometimes. Please don't fake. Speak Netral Accent.

  2. well being a proud dixie southerner I am somewat insulted by this but i understand so...use LONG vowel sounds, draw them out. never finish a word with '"ing" just "in" like change running to runnin. any sound spelled as or should be changed to 'er', and last speak in a relativly slow manner.

  3. Im from Ireland so I may not be much help, but i studied drama and i always learnt that the best way to learn accents are to watch loads of movies/programes involving ppl with that accent, try copying their accent as you watch, then try saying it with the volume down to see what it sounds like in your head. i duno, maybe your dukes of hazzard or something along those lines. i know you only have a week but it would have helped you greatly to go down south, i had to do the part of someone from northern ireland so i took myself up there for 2 weeks and became so influenced by the accent i was nearly speaking it myself. Getting involved with the people who speak with that accent is the best thing you can do, this maybe something to remember in the future.

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