
How do I Get my rabbit to take her medication?

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My rabbit tries to bite me every time I give her medication. Her behavior is getting worse each day. I have to do this for 30 days! What is the best way to give her medication? I talked to vet, but they have a way of holding her that we will not allow me to do. Is there a trick to calm a rabbit down and get her to take her meds?

Please help!




  1. try to trick her tricks are for rabbits and kids  

  2. If it is liquid, just put it in her water.

    If it is solid, I'd suggest crushing it, mixing it with yogurt, and syringe feeding her. This is a common way to feed rabbits their medication and most of them really like the taste of the yogurt, so they'll take it rather willingly.

  3. This works for my bunny who HATES meds.  Wrap her in a towel snugly so she cannot wriggle free.  Kneel down and put her on the floor between your knees.  This way she cannot back up away from you or bite you because you can cover her face with the towel.  There really is no way to make a rabbit calm to take meds, unless it is  a pill that you can crush and hide in food.

    Good Luck

  4. Wrapping in a towel so only her head sticks out.  Put her up on the table and wrap your arm around her with your hand on top of her neck area.  Slip the syringe into her mouth and slowly give her the medication.  I always mixed my meds in with babyfood pureed carrots and they soon learned to love it.  

  5. Ifs it liquid medication syringe (if thats how you spell it) feed her it, or put it in her water so she drinks it.

    If its solid, put it with some of her treats and hand feed it to her (or in a bowl if she bites)

    Other than that there is no other way. It has to be done :( hope this helps

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