
How do I Plait my horses mane?

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I have NEVER braided a horses mane let allone "plaited" one so can ayone tell me how to do this in detail? My horse is a TWH horse with a mane to her sholder.( I had to cut it short beacuse it was getting frozen when she drank) it was down to her knee.




  1. This video is very good.  What kind of braids do you want?

    Grr..It isn't letting me put the link.  Google "horse plait" and click on the first video by video jug.

    This video is showing hunter braids.  For longer mane, you might want a french (or running) braid if you are showing.  If it is just an around the barn braid, try a lattice (or continental) braid or just plain old braids.

    Good luck!

  2. Theres an awesome book out there called Grooming to Win.

    Its a bit dated, but ask any big horse person out there, and they've probably heard of it.

    Its a great book that describes and shows in detail how to do different types of braids on a horse.


    The bottom of the page has some interesting braiding ideas.

    (you could have to deal with that mane!)

    Any way there is a link that says French Braiding the Long Mane. Its good.

    EDIT: I forgot to say that you cant do normal plaiting/braiding with a mane that long.

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