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How would I go about starting a big religion wtih lots of money and power like scientology?




  1. Write a Sci-Fi book and find people who work in Hollyweird to believe you.

  2. rename yourself mohammed first and then u r good to go.

  3. You'll need a few pseudo-stars to endorse it.

  4. First of all, hit your head with a hammer enough times to become a r****d who begins to believe in everything delusional. PREACH IT. Once you have plenty of followers who support you, make the investments to build a church in every city you can think of. Next sit back and enjoy the money all the fools throw in your lap.......

  5. With a goal to help people.

    You have to truly believe in what you say, with utmost sincerity.

    Have something unique to offer people.

  6. It would take a few years, but make up the most unbelievable lie, with many spirits, dreams and angels in it and start passing it around.  Make the good promise be that believers can ask how they wish to spend their everlasting life by praying each day and making their daily pledge of a few dollars.  It will catch own, and surely since christians are so high on living forever many will jump at the chance to ask for the way they will live forever.

  7. well most religions start out as cults (christianity did from judaism)


    make a cult of scientology

    get others to follow you

    in years it will be religion

    steal there money like the scientologists do!

  8. Talk to either Ron L. Hubbard or Fred Sandford - they both did it, only one was successful but, for a start, you need a bunch of suckers to follow you and do anything you ask them to

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