
How do I Stop my Hamster Gnawing on its Cage?

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I have a new cage its the Crittertrail 3 cage. It has metal bars and a plastic bottom and top. on the plastic top there is a section for where the hamster sleeps like a little box for him with bedding, its just that at night i hear gnawing on the plastic and im worried he is either going to gnaw through the plastic and ruin my new cage that i have just after i have gotten it, i even have a little wooden pear which he can chew on and fruit bites and stuff but hes too scared at the moment and wont really explore much at the moment, i know he was going to gnaw it a bit but it dont want him to ruin it

any suggestions on how to stop gnawing on the cage?




  1. you can put stuff on it like some crean they came out with so u cant chew your nails but i thank it will work on that to because my grandma  and  grampa  use that on their dog so i must work

  2. put vinigar on the bars

  3. Tell him you will give him a spanking if he doesn't stop. My baby cousin stops when I tell her I will tell on her and she gets mad, hits me and then walks away, so maybe your hamster will do the same.

  4. you cant cause they are filing down their teeth when they do that so you cant stop them no matter hows annoying

  5. Well your hamster isnt used to area just wait and after he explores it some more h**l get used it and roam around more.

    Try getting him a flavored bones or something then he'll probly gnaw that because its more flavorful.

  6. The incisor teeth of all continue to grow throughout their life. They need to gnaw on things to wear them down and not be painful. So don't think he's trying to escape. Consult a pet shop on chew toys for him.

  7. I don't think you can stop it.  Try putting the wooden chew sticks in place of where he is gnawing.

    Good luck!

  8. Your hamster is chewing on the bars because he is bored or because he is scared. OR because his teeth continuesly grow without stopping.

    How big is your cage right now? I would have a cage that has ATLEAST one square foot, and maybe getting another hamster would help with the boredom.

    If you got your hamster from a petstore or a breeder, he is probably scared. They have traumatic experiences, and this is no help.

    Make sure he has a lot of toys, a big cage, wooden chewsticks, and don't listen to the chic above me that says to rub the cage in lemon juice, it will kill your hamster.

    Is your hamster hungry? Make sure he has food and water.

    Maybe he just wants to get out of the cage. Try playing with him outside of the cage for ten minutes a day. Hope this helps!

  9. that was the same as my hamster, she would either chew on the bars or plastic bottom, i put an old blanket over the cage, she chewed it up, ripped off picese of the blanket, made a nest like 3X bigger then her, then fell asleep, it was very cute.she diddn't chew on the cage any more, she felt more at home i guess.

  10. I don't suggest lemon juice or hot sauce on the bars of cage. Hamsters have a natural habit to gnaw, so you should get chewing sticks/toys and that will take care of it. The hamster should stop chewing on its cage.

  11. chewing on it keeps his teeth health so what u should do is get some of those wood chew sticks it might help him stop chewing on the cage

  12. You can't really stop him.  

  13. one word antifreeze

  14. Try putting something sour on there, like lemon juice, so when it chews it won't taste good.

  15. I know the cage you are talking about. I suggest you take a toilet paper roll and put it in the cage to chew on because your hamster is just chewing the cage to keep his or her teeth healthy.


    A hamster may be small, but it needs a lot of care

    Always make sure your cage is locked up

    Dont feed your hamster anything you have not fed him or her before unless you look online or something to make sure it is ok for your hamster

    Always make sure the water is full or at least halfway full

    Be gentle with your hamster

    One of my three favorite websites:

    Use this website all the time. It has really good advice about your hamster!

  16. let him gnaw on your fingers instead.

  17. get it some chew toys but it still wont stop my hamster always did that mostly at night  

  18. just dont rub the bars w/ lemon juice bec. hamsters cant have citrus it will make a hole thru their stomach.   umm my hamster does the same thing and there is really nothing u can do.

  19. put sumthin sour or spicy on the cage

  20. ok the reason why he gnaws on the chage is becasue of his teeth if he doesn't then his teeth will grow up threw his head u should go to the pet store and buy a chew block for like $3 this will stop the noise for a while till hes done with the block my hamster usally was threw with one in like 2 weeks but it was the size of a jenga peice and the pach had like 10 but ya thats what u should do or let him out for awhile

  21. theres nothing you can do, i use to have hamsters and gerbils and they all did that, they only way i found to make them stop is to take away the plastic cage, and get the ones with metal bars, either that or just let it chew on it, i know its a new cage but hamster cages are not that expesive!

  22. Don't worry, he won't get through the cage, my hamster used to do that and i had him for four years. But if you want you can get special things in the pet shop for them to chew on or put a piece of wood in his cage for him to chew.

    DON'T listen to people saying to slap him or put lemon juice on the bars, he's doing it to sharpen his teeth, that's what they do. They don't need to be punished for that.

  23. Rub the bars with pure lemon juice.  

  24. hi i have a hamster with the same problame at night

    lemon kills them i know because im a vet at the state collage in south america

    ill say how i fixed it was you could bye him/her a minral block to grow on{1.50}

    what it dose it alows it to sharpen irs teeth on it{thats what they use the bar for}

  25. you canget a little bit of shock whire ( like the stuff the use to keep horses in the general area ) so when it trys to gnaw at the bars again it will get eletricuted a little

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