
How do I Tell my Friend I would not like to Visit him or Hang around His Neighborhood?

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I have been friends with my friend, Chis for a couple years now.

This summer we have been hanging out a lot more often. Usually we hangout near my neighborhood or go to downtown to a club or whatnot.

He has recently moved into his own apartment and keeps begging me to come see it, visit it, and go with him to a fun bar nearby.

The problem is that he lives in a dangerous neighborhood that is 100% black. (he is black)

He has grown up in the same neighborhood his whole life (just his own apt now) so he is just used to it I guess.

I would not really feel safe or comfortable going to visit him, or especially hanging out in a bar in his neigborhood.

Is it rude to tell him the truth?

I am a young white female, and race has never been an issue in our friendship. I would hate it to start now




  1. well it depends how old you are. if you are young, i would say tell him your parents will not let you travel. if not, i would be honest and just say that while it shouldn't matter and it sucks, you feel like something bad could happen to you because you are a young female. Try not to include race in it, but more of a petite women role....he should get the hint but it might be a little less rude then coming out and saying its because I'm white...

  2. well, you are making it about race to a degree. Best policy is honesty and you need to tell him. You could come to a compromise, have him pick you up and bring you there. You still need to tell him, otherwise he will think you are judging him.  

  3. How do you know the neighborhood is dangerous?  I think that would be kind of rude to tell him that. You might lose a friend over it. Maybe just go hang out one time and see how it is. If something bad happens, then you will have a legitimate reason to not want to hang out in his neighborhood. Maybe you can just hang out at his apartment. You can have drinks there and watch movies.

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