
How do I (a buyer) get out of a land contract?

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I signed a land contract with a couple. Their mortgage runs up in January 2009, and they had a balloon mortgage. I signed the contract with intent to purchase, stating that I would finance and purchase the house by then. I didn't have to pay a down payment, I have simply been paying their mortgage payment. The mortgage is still in their name, but the land contract was filed at the bank that their mortgage is held. Since signing the contract, I have become engaged, and my future husband has no interest in living in the house. I'd like to break the contract. I have no idea of any legal ramifications. I have noticed that it wouldn't pass an inspection. I have also noticed mold growing in the house. I talked to the sellers, one of them actually said, "No, this house would never pass an inspection" My belief is that the bank will "fudge" anything so I can get a loan. One of the sellers actually works at the bank that holds the mortgage, as a loan officer. I can't and don't want this house.




  1. read the contract and then contact a real estate lawyer- this whole thing sounds fishy.

  2. Get a lawyer fast.  If you can prove that they knew about the deficiencies at the time of the contract you might have a case, otherwise it is "buyer be ware" situation, and you have to take your lumps in the market.

  3. Definately read the contract... i am sure there is some type of penatly in there if you change your mind..   having to pay mortgage until it sells... having to pay something.  I am not sure.  Seek a lawyer & ask for help.

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