This is a very difficult situation and is pulling my family apart. My bro was married, was having issues in the marriage, went and cheated on his wife with a 17 yr. old and meanwhile was being charged with child pornography (he insists that he didn't know that a file was attached to another p**n file he downloaded. never the less he left it in his comp. at work and they were updating comps. that night and the comp. tech found it and turned it in). The girl knew that he was married but still pursued him. He and his wife are now seperated and the girl turned 18, she's still in high school. As a married woman whose husband had an affair with our 17 year old babysitter, it obviously pisses me off. We got into a confrontation about it, he physically attacked me, or tried to, about how wrong he is to be with this girl, and why I won't accept her, which is because of how their relationship started, her age, and the hurt feelings it brings back of my own husbands affair. Now it's time to make peace and he won't unless I accept her, I can't do it. I don't agree with their relationship, and looking at the two of them reminds me of all of the pain I went through and continue to go through because of my husbands affair. His affair wasn't just s*x here and there. They were in a relationship behind my back for 6 months. I'm still dealing with this, it's been 3 years, but I decided 2 years ago to try to work things out with him since he's trying so hard himself (counseling, things like that), and he is a good guy that f***ed up big time. How do accept her? Am I wrong to feel this way? Or is it wrong for him to demand that I accept her? He doesn't no of my husbands affair, no one in my family does. It's too painful for me to tell them and would only embarras me if I did tell them, so it's not an option. Please help!!!!!!! I need other points of view on the subject!