
How do I accept that its really over with my ex?

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We were going out for like 5 months and suddenly she is completely different.

Previously we had been very serious together and I really think that we loved each other deeply.

I spoke to her about this about a week ago and she wouldn't give me a straight anwser as to why she was feeling like this.. I tried to make it better by doing a lot of stuff for her but she just felt the same. Currently we have decided to be friends... but deep down I still love her so much.. and it breaks my heart because it seems like she has completely gotten over it and seems like she is not phased at all.

I thought we were deeper than that.

I try to hang out with her a lot but it just seems like a bombshell.

idk what to do




  1. Please do not give up.

    Try to under stand her.  give her a some time.  some time her mind might be stuffed with something else that wise she is not with you.  try to under stand her problems.  She is also a human like you.

    keep working your days will come back.  

  2. Hey Steve,

    Sucks huh? it will take sometime and on certain days it will hurt like h**l. My guess is you take a break from it all, of course remain friends with her,but from a distance, do not make it a point to see her or talk to her on a day to day basis. If you continue to do that you are giving your self a feeling of false hope, hoping that she will want to come back and right now it is probably the furthest thing from her mind. You need to heal and move on to different things, because there will come a day where she finds love in someone else and if you do not allow yourself to heal, you are going to be in a very bad place. be her friend from a distant, take the fact that when you tried to talk to her about what was going on and she wanted to say nothing as an answer that it has nothing to do with you but with her, if it had to do with you she would have told you..Hold you head up, because if you keep it down you may miss out on the girl of your dreams...and she is out there waiting for you so stop moping, get dressed and go hang with your boys...It's summer and the skirts are out there in effect..

    mark my words, you acting like it doesn't phase you and you pick up another little hotty and spoil her..the ex will be kicking her self in the butt.

    Good luck, enjoy life and slow it down, five months you should still be learning about a person, not falling in love.

  3. you have to accept that she's really over you and it's probably best that you just be friends with her because if you keep trying to make her like you again she's going to get annoyed that you don't respect her wishes to just be friends and not talk to you at all

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