
How do I act more mature?

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I want to prove to my parents that I am mature. I am twelve, how can I do this, or what can I say?




  1. From my experiences growing up, I think the best ways to do this are to do the right things without being told. Doing chores or going out of your way for your parents and/or others without expecting something in return are good starters.

  2. You don't act more maturely, you behave more maturely.  Check in with them, communicate well, and don't lie to them. (If you do currently.)  Make important things your priorities.  Such as school and your after school activities rather than boys and going to the mall.  I mean, don't get me wrong, have fun, but when it's appropriate. :)  

  3. You can't fake and "act' mature to impres ssomeone. You really have to BE MATURE, like doing your own chores, helping your parents one in awhile, be nice, dotn be foolish and native like these young girls getting pregnant at 13.

  4. u cant act mature u just have 2 be mature mental wise and at your age thats really hard.

  5. do every single one of your chores without asking. dont beg for stuff. be polite. use table manners. say please and thank you.

  6. Just take responsibility for things your supposed to do on a regular basis. Do your chores without them asking and just keep to your schooling. Your parents simply have to to trust you to be able to handle yourself on your own.  

  7. Do what your parents tell you to do like chores

    dont lie to them

    dont ask for expensive things

    dont do what they dont want you to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. just talk to them, do your chores in time, do them ahead of time

    many young people think they know the answers/what to do/and are mature, but they're usually not, they don't make smart choices, parents know best

  9. I've been in yer position

    bcoz im super goofy and yet people still love me, so just b yerself!!!

    I dont think yer parents want you to nessesarily b more mature but they probably just want u to b more try asking them what they want more from u.

    and sweetie yer only twelve! You cant be as immature as u want! lol look at me, im 18 and i act lik im 10 sometimes lol

    good luck

  10. 1. you shouldn't be on here, there r predators

    2. if u want something don't argue just say "OK" that always amazes my parents fun and stuff but set boundaries for yourself when enough

    4.don't beg and beg reasonable

    6.use proper words

                       Good luck hope it helped!

  11. don't do whatever your friends do.

  12. You don't "act" mature, you in, that's the verb. You grow up physically, emotionally, and intellectually. You most likely are not as mature as a 20 year old, or a 15 year old for that matter. Maturity is not something that can be faked, rather it is something to reach for and attain.

  13. you can try to prove it by not arguing with them, if they tell you to do something do it without hesitation.  All the chores you have to do, do them before they get a chance to tell you anything....  Don't spend too much time online or watching TV but do something more productive....

    All those things might help, but since you're only twelve i can almost guarantee that their opinion might change but not much because at that age parents rarely accept that their kids are growing up and treat you as a young child... technically cause you still are a bit young and in their heads you're still their little baby (but not in a bad way) since you're not even a teen it's gonna take EXTRA hard work to make them see that you're mature and it might take some time too...

    I'm turning 18 and my parents just started realizing i'm not a child a few months ago... So it might take time, but it's worth a try... =]

    ps.. telling them you're mature NEVER works so don't even bother doing that because it actually convinces them more that you're not...  as the saying goes "actions speak louder than words"

  14. You are about to become a teen.That only happens once. Make the best of it, please. <}:-})

  15. Start by Doing chores around the house and do what they ask( without grumbling) keep your room clean, DONT LIE TO THEM and dont get into trouble when you are by yourself.  AlsoREMEMBER  MATURITY  takes time as you grow into a teen it takes  growing up and making the RIGHT desisions as they come up IN LIFE.

    Heres some tips.TO REMEMBER.

    By (NOT getting pregnent) becasue ALL your friends are.

    By (NOT cosigning for someone)

    By (not getting youself into LOTS OF debt)

    By (NOT getting into drugs and being caught with the wrong people) say NO!

    By (dating responsible young men who are not abusive to you who have a job and are not loosers)

    By ( thinking and preparing for college while in high school)

    Not having s*x because everyone else is doing it. Be you own person.

    Hope this helps!These will be things to think about when you are in high school and beyond.

  16. hahahaha! your 12. my friends who are in there 30's are immature! u dont want to grow u to fast! u want to act 'mature'. do what they sasy when they say it

  17. It's impossible to ACT mature. You have to be mature. Follow the rules your parents have for you. Help around the house, (with stuff you don't have to do) work hard in school, things that your parents ask of you.  

  18. 12 year olds arent very mature and asking the question alone proves it.. but  just use manners be nice respectful do chores etc.. good luck

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