
How do I add a URL to Yahoo's Search Engine?

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I want to add my company's web site URL to Yahoo's Search Engine so that when someone enters the company name, Yahoo finds our website. With Google, this was easy, I just went to This does not seem to work for Yahoo.




  1. Hi,

    In my opinion, the best kind of home business is one where you don't have to invest any money.  I wasted thousands of dollars buying into all kinds of home businesses including MLM and Internet franchises.

    I was about to give up when I found a website that finally gave me the businesses I was looking for.  The company is called Keep Clicking.  Basicially, they have a big list of companies that have products.  They allow me to promote these products/services and I receive a set fee for each product that I sell (or lead that I generate).  I didn't pay any money to join (They actually pay you $10 to join, but only give it to you when you get $50 in your account.  It took me a month, so I got the $10 then).

    This allows me to have a full business with no inventory. The best part is, a lot of these offers are free trials, so I get people to sign up for about $4 (for shipping), an I get about $17!  It doesn't matter if people cancel there subscriptions, I still get paid anyway.  I get paid monthly by check.

    Here's the link:

    Good Luck!

  2. The most effective way of adding your url to Yahoo, especially if Google has already indexed you is to use an xml or a text sitemap.

    If you've submitted your url to Google via the add form check to see if Google has indexed your site by going to and putting "" (leave out the quotation marks) in the search box.  This will let you know what parts of your site are indexed, i.e. available as results, in Google.

    It's a pretty good chance that if you have been accepted for inclusion and found in Google, Yahoo is not far behind.

    For more tips on good SEO and gaining top rankings try checking out where you can also download a sample sitemap file.

    There are also resources available there for software that can automatically generate your sitemap file for you.

  3. This may not make much sense but adding a URL in this way is really counter to how search engines rank sites. The primary method of determining relevancy is by the quality and quantity of links to your site. This is also how search engines prefer to find new pages, links from existing pages in their index.

    So if you are having to submit your site manually it means that you really need to work on getting links to your company from other trusted and authoritative sites within your industry.

  4. here's the URL without the spam.

    added info:  the SEO industry has generally agreed that XML sitemaps are not a good idea.  The only time they are helpful is when your site cannot be crawled easily through other methods.  

    Text sitemaps, as the other answer eluded to, are almost always a good idea.  Just make sure they DO NOT appear on every page of the site and that the link text is a good match for the linked-pages' topic.

    In all cases, natural crawling is better.  if you have to "force" your way into a search engine something is wrong.  As i've mentioned on many answers, getting inbound linkages from high quality sites and blogs will set you off on the right foot, especially if you can set up your anchor text on the linking site to match your primary keyword goals.

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