
How do I add a pending member?

by  |  earlier

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I have 4 ready to join but can't figure out how?




  1. they need to say "i accept" on the form you sent them

  2. If you manage a restricted group (where you approve all subscription requests) or a moderated group (where you approve all message postings), you’ll see the tasks that require attention on the My Groups page. Click any link to jump directly to a page where you can review, approve, edit, or deny messages or subscription requests.

    Hope this explanation helps.

  3. if you are a moderator- you may not be able to do that.

    generally, for pending members Yahoo puts a text alert atop of your group in red- (it's really easily seen) you click the link within the text and it brings you to the pending page. there's a drop down box to the right as to the actions you can pick

    What do the Pending Messages and Pending Members columns mean?

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