
How do I add more moderators to my yahoo group?

by Guest33525  |  earlier

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I am wanting to add more moderators to my yahoo group so I can hand it over to a couple of members. How do I do this?




  1. you have to pick them from the members list and then use the edit pencil to change them to mods..

  2. How do I make someone a moderator of my group?

    Here’s how to promote one of your members to moderator status:

    From the list on the left, click Members and locate the member on the Members page.

    Click Edit Membership.

    A little way down, click Change to Moderator.

    Click on the Make Moderator button to confirm.

    The moderator you appoint will have basic privileges in the group features you've made available, including Files, Calendar, Polls, Database, and Links. In these areas, the new moderator will be able to add, edit, and delete items, including items submitted by other members.

    You also have the option of assigning them advanced moderator privileges for the Messages, Members, and Settings areas.

    How do I set moderator privileges?

    If you’re the list owner or a moderator with the ability to add, remove, and change moderator privileges, then you can assign additional privileges to one of your co-moderators.

    To assign moderator privileges, locate and click the member's email address in the Moderators section. The Moderator Privileges form is located below the Member profile. You can set the following options:

    Approve pending messages and photos

    Gives the moderator the right to approve pending messages and photos.

    Approve pending members

    Gives the moderator the right to approve pending membership requests.

    Invite and add members

    Gives the moderator the right to invite people to the group.

    Remove members and reset bouncing members

    Gives the moderator the ability to unsubscribe members and to reset bouncing members.

    Ban members

    Gives the moderator the right to ban members from the group.

    Add, remove, and change moderator privileges

    Gives the moderator to make members moderators or to change the privileges of existing moderators.

    Note: A very important power that should be granted only to people you trust.

    Set auto-send options for files

    Gives the moderator the power to send automatic messages to the group (like the welcome message).

    Change group settings

    Gives the moderator the power to change settings for the group. Another very important power that should be granted carefully.

    Delete this group

    Gives the moderator the power to permanently delete the group. Since this can only be reversed by Yahoo! Customer Support (and only within 30 days of a deletion), another power that should be granted very carefully.

  3. Here’s how to promote one of your members to moderator status (and I guess you have to be the owner of the group to make somebody else a moderator of your group):

    1.From the list on the left, click Members and locate the member on the Members page.

    2.Click Edit Membership.

    3. A little way down, click Change to Moderator.

    4. Click on the Make Moderator button to confirm.

    5. The moderator you appoint will have basic privileges in the group features you've made available, including Files, Calendar, Polls, Database, and Links. In these areas, the new moderator will be able to add, edit, and delete items, including items submitted by other members.

    You also have the option of assigning them advanced moderator privileges for the Messages, Members, and Settings areas.

    If you’re the list owner or a moderator with the ability to add, remove, and change moderator privileges, then you can assign additional privileges to one of your co-moderators.

    To assign moderator privileges, locate and click the member's email address in the Moderators section. The Moderator Privileges form is located below the Member profile. You can set the following options:

    Approve pending messages and photos

    Gives the moderator the right to approve pending messages and photos.

    Approve pending members: Gives the moderator the right to approve pending membership requests.

    Invite and add members: Gives the moderator the right to invite people to the group.

    Remove members and reset bouncing members: Gives the moderator the ability to unsubscribe members and to reset bouncing members.

    Ban members: Gives the moderator the right to ban members from the group.

    Add, remove, and change moderator privileges: Gives the moderator to make members moderators or to change the privileges of existing moderators.

    Note: A very important power that should be granted only to people you trust.

    Set auto-send options for files: Gives the moderator the power to send automatic messages to the group (like the welcome message).

    Change group settings: Gives the moderator the power to change settings for the group. Another very important power that should be granted carefully.

    Delete this group: Gives the moderator the power to permanently delete the group. Since this can only be reversed by Yahoo! Customer Support (and only within 30 days of a deletion), another power that should be granted very carefully.

    To remove all moderator privileges, click Remove Moderator. This reverts the member to a regular subscription.

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