
How do I add people to my facebook Mob Wars that aren't on my friends list?

by  |  earlier

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I'm now addicted to facebook Mob Wars and was wondering how I add people to my mob that aren't on my facebook friends list?




  1. here you go darlin jus click da link below ;)

  2. Here's that link:

    I haven't tried it myself yet but i'm going to give it ago i think and see if it works ;)

  3. just send request to them this options also available during Registration in face book, like gmail, msn, yahoo and some more..where if you entered original is and password so it automatically send the request to all your mail id added friends ..  

  4. Step 1 Get fire fox

    Step 2 Google and install the firefox addon greecemoncky. (google it)

    Step 3 Google "user scrips".  Type mob wars into the searchon that page.  Several scripts will come up.  I use mobwars helper, but if you reed the descriptions there is another script that will send a request to any one on the fight list when you attemt to fight.  I have a mob of over 300 now and have not manualy invited any one.  Good luck

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