
How do I add to the moderators list?

by  |  earlier

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Im running on a phbb2 forum and can t seem to understand how to add to the moderators list. I know how to make users moderators but I dont know how to add them to the list. And I know I must first go to the Admin CP. But from there im clueless. Any help would be greatly apreciated! Thanks in advanced!




  1. There are some Y! users who participate in open source forums and might be able to answer your technical question if you post your question in the Programming and Design category.  Here is a link to that:;_ylt=Av3rT...

  2. Chris, if you have clicked the little pencil next to your member's name to add them as a moderator, and then saved after it, if you click on the Members link and then the Moderators tab, you all should be listed there.  If not then something didn't take.

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