
How do I address this issue without hurting my parents feelings?

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My parents and I, along with my little brother, don't get along hardly ever. I went to stay with my aunt and cousins for 4 weeks and everything went perfect. I didn't argue once with any of them. I would like to live with them, but don't want to be rude by asking and also don't want to hurt my parents feelings. Now I'm really depressed at home.




  1. you need sit them down your parents and you down and talk remeber communication is the #1 most important thing...

    say: "mom, dad, i'm just not happy here. i love you so much, you two are the best parents in the world, but i really like being with aunt ____ and ____ ____ ____(whomever there names are) i had a fun time up there, and i really want to move there, i love you so much, but i think it's time i move somewhere else for a little while, if i don't like i'll come back"

    now, i know some of this may be lieing, but really you may have to lie in this type of situation

  2. make sure that your aunt will let you live there before you ask your parents. then just sit your parents down one day and tell them now you are feeling. tell them that you would like to try to live there for a lil bit.

  3. the first thing you need to do is sit down and write out the pros and cons of living with your relatives and with your parents... second you have to sit down with your parents without mentioning the the lists and explain to them how you are feeling why you are feeling the way you are... if you can not sit down and talk about it write a letter also always try to think of a solution to the problem like present the issue and then what you think realistically can be done to change it. if this does not change explain to your parents the experience you  had at ur relatives house and why you would like to live there be sure to include that it has nothing to do with them and then state the ways that you benefited from it.... hope all goes well good luck and try to remember that at the end of the hard times will make you stronger and that as hard as it is to realize our parents are ppl and they do make mistakes  

  4. if you don't get along then tell them you don't want to  

  5. first off how old are you? there is an age at which you can "divorce" your parents. but it has to be really bad at home. you have to go to court and prove that life is h**l there. so unless you can do that you might be stuck there. again it depends on your age. if you are really young good luck. if you are almost 18 it will be easier. i dont know how to tell you to ask them. i mean my family and i never ever get along. and i mean never!!!! but we all still love each other. so i guess it is up to you. think about it. you may realize that you really dont wanna leave. you only think you do.  

  6. Hmmmm..... that's really hard, to not stay with your parents and brother. Not getting along it not a rational excuse to be away from your family. It'll just be like your avoiding them, and if you continue to stay at your aunt's all the time, you'll end up avoiding them for life. And that's not good....they're your need them more than anything, especially if you're a teenager. 'Not getting along' doesn't mean you can't live with each other, fear each other, and avoid each other. But rather it's a difference in opinions and CAN  figure it out. Try looking at what you're doing wrong, and try to fix that. It's more better if one person tries to change, than no one, and then you are persistent not to be open-minded. Just try me YOU NEED THEM MORE THAN YOU KNOW....AND THEY DO TOO. It's better to find ONE  fault in yourself, than  THOUSAND in others.

    ~Hope this helps, and everything works out. =)

  7. Is there any schooling etc that can be obtained there that is not offered in your present area that might be a reasonable excuse to go to that area and stay with your Aunt?

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