
How do I adjust the carburetor on my 2002 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster?

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My 2002 Sportster is sneezing,coughing and everybody tells me I need to adjust my carb. but I really don't know how too.I've tried new sparkplugs but that's not working.Where I live it's hot during the day & like 50 degee's at night when I ride & I live in a high altitude area (mountains) I don't whether this makes a different or not but some people say it does.




  1. if it is running that poorly all of a sudden a carb adjustment is not what is needed, plus you will give yourself more problems misadjsuting it.

    try running some sea foam carb cleaner through the tank.

  2. Service is part of any motorcycle. Especially a Harley Davidson.

  3. Before you make any adjustments on the carb, check your intake seals. You can check them by spraying carb cleaner around them or using an unlit propane torch. Turn the gas on on the propane torch but don't light it. With the engine running put the tip of the propane torch near the intake manifold seals and listen to the engine. If the engine RPMs change there is an intake leak.

    If there is no intake leak, then you may be able to fix the sneezing by fattening up the idle (turn the idle mixture s***w counter-clockwise) but most likely you need to change the main jet.

    (they make a high altitude jet kit for the Keihin CV carbs)

    This link should be helpful:

  4. Altitude does make a difference when riding a carborated bike. The air is thinner so the bike needs to be adjusted to get the proper fuel to air mixture.

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