
How do I analyze this poem?

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Alright, this is my second day of my new "gifted" high school. I have an AP literature class, in which we have been assigned to write an entry and thesis statement regarding the poem "The Convergence of the Twain" by Thomas Hardy. I am going to be honest with you, I haven't a clue about what an entry is and where it should be in my paper (I imagine somewhere within the first paragraph, close to the thesis). I have to discuss how the author's use of syntax, diction, figurative language, etc. helps establish a tone.

Please, if you have any experience in this area, help me get started. I am NOT asking you to do it for me. I have done some of it already. Please tell me if it's at a gifted high school senior level. Thank you so much!

In the poem, "The Convergence of the Twain", Thomas Hardy uses diction, syntax, and figurative language to establish a harsh* tone.

*feel like I need a stronger word




  1. Well google is definitely your friend. Analyze each part, by posting it piece by piece on google, then let google take you to other web pages to see what these inferences mean.

    Continue to do this into you finish everything, afterwards, read the poem, then do the work yourself.

    My diagnosis is that your prognosis is study.

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