
How do I apply for FAFSA without involving my parents?

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This may sound silly but is there really no way to bypass having to involve my parents in filling out a FAFSA application? I live on my own but I am not over 24yrs old. I guess that is the big kicker...

I live alone and will be paying for the college courses myself so I didn't see any need to contact my parents about this.





  1. You have to be able to answer yes to one or more of the following questions:

  2. Can your parents still claim you as a dependant?  If you are living on your own, then they probably can't.  If that is the case then you don't have to report their income.  If you have already been accepted at a school, go to the Financial Aid office and ask for some help filling out the forms.

  3. You have to speak to your financial aid advisor.

  4. No way around it.  Sorry.  All kids in your situation have to provide this information.  By providing it, you will be able to get a student loan in your name withoug using them as a cosigner.

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