
How do I apply for a U.S. grant to aid in the purchase of my first home?

by Guest59387  |  earlier

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My husband works, but I don't. We have a 9 month old son, so I'm at home raising him. I can't work during the day...there is no one to babysit our son and the cost of daycare would essentially cancel out my paycheck. I'm thinking of getting a part time job at night, but the cost of living here in CA is ridiculous. We need some help with the purchase of our first home. What can we do?




  1. I agree with answer #1.  Don't rely on the Government, or in essence, your neighbors (taxpayers).  You should have waited to have a child until you were financially stable.  I am 24, but my parents waited and bought a house before they had me (i am the oldest child), and my dad was working making next to nothing as a cabinet maker.  Better yet, move away from California to a place with a more reasonable cost of living.  You have made a series of decisions in your life which have led you to your current situation - please do not make others pay for those choices.

  2. Dont rely on the government.

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