
How do I approach companies , to fund my carbon offset projects in southern africa. Our charity is reg in UK?

by  |  earlier

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we want to set up projects in rural areas that use renewable energy




  1. You need a web site that shows your letters of endorsement from existing organizations saying this program is needed,  data that demonstrates your target group is in need whatever service it is that you want to provide and that they are not served otherwise, and a draft of what your first year's budget would look like (what expenses you expect to incur, what you expect to pay staff, etc.). Your web site should also have a profile of those staffing your nonprofit and showing their qualifications for engaging in these type of projects. Once you have all of this, you can let representatives from international NGOs, international corporations, universities and others in the immediate area of where you are located know about this web site and your plans, and ask to meet with them about possible partnerships. Potential donors are best cultivated if you can meet with them face-to-face, and show them transparent accounting and credible data about what you are proposing and why it's a good investment option for them. And that means looking for donors who are nearest to you geographically-speaking.

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