
How do I approach my new boss about giving me more responsibilities?

by  |  earlier

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I got a new job and have officially been there for 5 weeks now. My actual title is service coordinator/ billing and payroll clerk. So far, my new boss has only taught me how to open the mail, and post the bills into a file that I then email to her so that she can actually post them into Quicken. This process literally takes me maybe 10 minutes so the rest of the day (7 hours, 50 minutes) of my day is spent reading books. I am extremely bored but she is a control freak (she screams at her employees when they don't do EXACTLY as she wants), likes to change the rules to fit her mood of the day, and won't let me do anymore of the tasks. Do you think I should try to talk to her about this or should I look for a new job?




  1. Well I would do both. Talk to her AND look for a new job. If prospective employers ask you why you are leaving your job after only 5 weeks, simply state that you are looking for more of a challenge.  

  2. Show him how much you are worth on the open market.  Tell him you are looking for another job and unless you get higher pay and more responsibility, you are gone.  Worked for me a few times.

  3. just reading that was painful.  Not that new jobs are easy to find, but I would start looking.

  4. It's all about trust. I am a boss myself and when someone is new you don't always have time to train them they way you would like. What I appreciate is when a new person watches what I do and asks if they can help. Even if it is a little thing. I figure that whatever they can do is one more minute I have to spend on things that only I can do. As far as the mood swings are concerned, I can't help with that but her being overwhelmed herself might explain some of it. Hang in there and don't let it affect your attitude and you will survive and probably stand out amongst the others.  

  5. I would stick it out for a bit. 5 weeks is not very long, and will look horrible on your resume.

    Take your time and observe. You never know what might come your way if you keep your eyes open. Do your job well and bide your time.

    If nothing happens for you, you can always look elsewhere.

    Don't be hasty.

  6. Definitely tell her that your tasks don't take you all day and that you would like to learn some new tasks. It can't be in the interest of the company to have you sit there and read. If she is unreasonable and won't listen at least you got a lot of time to check the job websites on the computer for a new job.. xx but do talk to her first and let her know you would like more responsibilities and to be trained to do other things..that you have been there for 5 weeks now and that your tasks don't fill your day and you don't want to be idle at work. That should show her you have motivation and want to do more which should impress her positively. I would mention it now as this is your probation time. So don't sit idly there and read. Otherwise she may say at the end of the probation time that you never came to her to ask for more jobs to do but read books.. so do tell her it can only be to your  benefit. Then she knows you want to do work.

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