
How do I argue for a cost of living raise for my colleagues and I? We have NEVER gotten one.

by  |  earlier

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We all get paid per line (typing). One woman has worked there 9 years and said there has never been a COLA raise. We get "incentive bonuses" for accuracy, but if we have a bad month, those get taken away. Any good links/sites/advice?




  1. The key to any raise is to be able to show your value to an organization. Ex. We saved the company $X last year by doing Y.  

  2. You don't ask for a cost of living raise.....

    You present your profitability, the reason that your being there is worth x amount of dollars per hour/week/month or year.

    Don't forget, The company does not exist to support your cost of living. You exist in the company to support its mission. If your contribution is worth 10k more than what you are getting then management should have no problem giving that to you. however if on the open market they can hire 10 of you in a minute for the same rate, then your raise is not justifiable.....

    If your company needs to advertise more send them over to for signs and graphics.

  3. The cost of living has gone up, so should our pay.

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